Post Archives

DRAFT – Lake Management Goals – DRAFT

October 23, 2017

Big Chetac, Birch, and Little Birch Lakes 2018-2022 Draft Lake Management Goals, Objectives, Actions, and Measurements (LEAPS, 10-17-2017)     Promote and support a healthy, diverse, and sustainable fishery in Big Chetac, Birch, and Little Birch Lakes. Objective 1 – Work with varied stakeholders to develop a Fisheries Management Plan as an addendum to the…

BCBLBA – Meeting Update

October 23, 2017

Update Meeting – 2018 Big Chetac, Birch, and Little Birch Lakes Management Plan The Big Chetac and Birch Lakes Association (BCABLA), WDNR, and consultant Dave Blumer (LEAPS – Chetek, WI) are sponsoring a meeting to review progress of the local Stakeholders Committee toward a 2018 Lake Management Plan for the Chetac Chain of Lakes (Chetac,…

BCABLA October agenda

October 23, 2017

Big Chetac and Birch Lakes Association Stakeholders Meeting

July 17, 2017

AGENDA-June 2017 Date: July 26, 2017 Time: 2:00-4:00pm Place: Birchwood Senior Center 110 Euclid Ave Birchwood, WI Big Chetac and Birch Lakes Association Stakeholders Committee Meeting Dave Blumer, LEAPS   BCABLA: Mark Robinson, Bob Reynolds Birch Lake: Jay Hatcher Birchwood-Town of: Romaine Quinn Birchwood-Village of: John Depoister Edgewater-Town of: (Pete Baribeau, Scott Spaeth, or Bill…

Big Chectac and Birch Lakes Association

June 6, 2017

Big Chetac and Birch Lakes Association Annual Meeting – June 10, 2017   The Big Chetac and Birch Lakes Association (BCABLA) will hold its annual meeting Saturday, June 10, 8-10 a.m. in the Village of Birchwood Hall on Main Street. This meeting will include an overview of the Stakeholder’s committee formed to gather public input for a 2018 lake…


April 4, 2017

BIG CHETAC AND BIRCH LAKES ASSOCIATION STAKEHOLDERS COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 25, 2017 APPROVED 3-2-2017 Facilitator: Dave Blumer (DB), LEAPS *Minutes prepared by LEAPS based on a digital recording of the meeting. Participants: BCABLA: Mark Robinson, Bill Miller Birch Lake: Steve Longacre Town of Birchwood: Romaine Quinn Village of Birchwood: Virginia Hurckman Town of Edgewater: Not…

Village of Birchwood Archives


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