Village of Birchwood Well-Abandonment
Village of Birchwood Well-Abandonment
The village must have documentation for all permitted or closed wells. The DNR requirement is to verify there is no cross contamination happening that may compromise the water system.
Your options are:
1.) If you are using your well specifically for watering your lawn or garden, it is just a matter of filling out the Well Operation Permit, making sure you have a backflow preventer on your hose, and have a sample of your well-water certified by contacting Commercial Testing Labs at (715) 962-3121. You may bring your sample to the Village Hall office on Mondays before noon, and we will provide the postage.
2.) Well abandonment is required on all other wells within the village. Go to to see if you are eligible to receive the Well Abandonment Grant. Do not have any work done before you apply and receive approval from DNR if you intend to apply for the grant. Contact a licensed well driller or pump installer for an itemized estimate. A well or drill hole is considered permanently abandoned when it has been completely filled and sealed by a licensed driller or pump installer using materials and methods as prescribed in section NR 812.26, Wisconsin Administrative Code.
Well Permit applications are due no later than July 25th, 2019. Well Abandonment completed forms are due no later than August 30th, 2019. We ask for your cooperation to ensure that the water we are all drinking is safe and to make sure it stays safe. Forms available at the Birchwood Village Hall. If you have any further questions please contact Tucker Fee at (715) 651-7003 or the Village Hall at (715)354-3300.
Additional information may be found at:
Request a copy of a DNR well constructor’s report:
Locate Well Drillers or Pump Installers in your area at:
Posted by:
Ashley Beffa, Village of Birchwood Clerk/Treasurer
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Questions or Concerns?
Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.