The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting – May 11th, 2021, at 6:00 pm

The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting of the Village of Birchwood
was be held on Tuesday, May 11th, 2021, at 6:00 pm
at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817

Village President John Depoister called the meeting to order – Meeting was recorded
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll call by Clerk R. Vangilder, P. Parkos, J. Depoister, B. Milligan, M. Manning in attendance
Meeting was also attended by the following: Lisa Parkos, Lauren Parkos, Matthew Stoklen, Darren Nelson, Linda Zillmer. Teresa Anderson, Nate Wittmer, Bob Longacre, Lisa Longacre, Preston Pearson

Public Notice: Posted at the Birchwood Post Office, Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery and Village Website.

Police Report: Officer Adam Brunclick presented –Cleanup notices will go out on May 12th to residences. Reckless driver received $200 citation for damages. Working on drug and crime statistics. Reviewed Police Policy book. No questions.
Public Works Report: Ron Strand presented – Tucker is locating for fiber optics being brought in. Putting up flags and Honor the Vets banners for Armed Forces Day. Have not heard back on when we will receive the tractor back. A new transmission has been ordered. Has coal mix to fix large potholes, will start that project on Friday. Has done some spraying and weed wiping will work on smaller potholes in between mowing. Have sand coming Thursday morning for the Doolittle playground. Working on getting numbers for crack filling and re-pulverizing Doolittle Park. Mark Manning had one question for clarification on who is bringing in the fiber optics. The Village is not bringing in fiber optics the locating is being done for Mosaic for their project of bringing fiber optics through the Village.

Non-Committee Reports: None for this meeting
Citizen Comments: (Limit 3 minutes per person). John Depoister clarified that Citizen Comments are only on agenda items. Citizens will still have a time limit of 3 minutes. We will not discuss anything that is not on the agenda. Asked if there were any citizen comments. Linda Zillmer was recognized. Stated that she sent a correspondence on 10% fee that was enacted for garbage billing that was not on last April agenda. Other items she sent for the may meeting are Holly Hill Lane weight restrictions, Local government should not be using public dollars to make contributions or donations. TID 2 district Industrial Park infrastructure and the amount of money spent on the infrastructure. To sell it or put on auction is not what the intent was. John Depoister responded to the Industrial Park infrastructure. Currently the Industrial Park is a corn field that is being rented out to a farmer. There is no road not infrastructure to draw business to the area. No other citizen comments.

Correspondence: Email from Linda Zillmer that was explained in Citizen Comments. Letter received from Doolittle Park Camper, they feel they are being targeted by the park attendant and the Village. Every year there is some type of problem that is drummed up for them. Village will have a Park Committee meeting and invite the campers. Another correspondence regarding music in town. About having outdoor band nights, the loud music. Noise ordinance is until 10pm unless you receive a special permit from the Police Department or the Village Board. Concerned that one of the business want to have 12 band nights during the summer. They have approached the owners and want to find common ground and work this out. Item in correspondence is on agenda as item 7 and will be discussed.

Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. Current agenda: Motion to approve by Mark Manning. Seconded by Paul Parkos. Carried 5 to 0
  2. Meeting Minutes:
    1. April 21st, 2021 Board of Trustee Regular Monthly Meeting – Rocky Van Gilder motioned to approve. Mark Manning second. Carried 5 to 0
  3. Financials: April 2021 Bill, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Report
    1. John Depoister tabled until June Meeting – Due to yearly audit financials for April were not complete and will be presented at the June meeting.
  4. Operator’s License: Motion to approve by Rocky Van Gilder pending background checks, Paul Parkos second. Carried 5 to 0.
    1. C. Okey – Jason Market / Gary’s Grocery
    2. C. Kailelynn – Ed’s Pit Stop
  5. Temporary Class “B” Retailer License: Motion to approve by Paul Parkos, Mark Manning second. Carried 5 to 0.
    1. Lion’s Club Bluegill Festival – July 16,17,18. Festival will have bands on Friday and Saturday. There will also be a parade on Sunday during the event.
  6. Sarah Langosh Benefit: Decision not to donate was made as there was concern that there would be an influx of donation requests. It was determined that if individual staff and board member wanted to donate to the benefit they could. But the Village can not use Village property or assets to donate to a private citizens benefit or a charitable organization. Motion to approve decision not to donate by Mark Manning, Betsy Milligan second. Carried 5 to 0.
    1. Donate 1 weekend of camping at Doolittle Campground.
  7. Paul’s Pizza Den: Prior to discussion it was noted that Paul Parkos as a board member, that his vote would be excluded from consideration in this matter. Motion to approve by Rocky Van Gilder, Mark Manning second. Carried 4 to 0.
    1. Special Event Permit –
      1. Music on Deck: Saturday nights from 9 pm to Midnight. Two (2) weekends in May and June. Four (4) weekends in July, and two (2) weekends in August and September.
  8. Mosaic: Preston Pearson from Mosaic presented information on boring under the streets. Finley Engineering is working with Mosaic and there would be no damage to the streets, nor need to close streets to bore. Motion to approve by Rocky Van Gilder motioned, Paul Parkos second. Carried 5 to 0
    1. Right of Way/Excavation/Open/ Boring Application
  9. 2021 -2022 Committees: The board reviewed the appointment of new committee members, Scott Roppe, Bob Hayes, Clint Gargulak, Stan Lindow, Steve Milligan and Dan Healy. Motion to approve by Mark Manning, Betsy Milligan second. Carried 5 to 0.
    1. Appoint new committee members
  10. Holy Hill Lane: After review of the conditions of Holy Hill and the amount of traffic on it was determined that weight restrictions were not necessary, and to leave the road as is. Motion to approve decision by John Depoister, Rocky Van Gilder seconded. Carried 5 to 0
    1. Permanent Weight Restrictions or Grate Road

Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.