The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting – June 15th, 2021, at 6:00 pm

The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting of the Village of Birchwood
was be held on Tuesday, June 15th, 2021, at 6:00 pm
at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817

Village Trustee Rocky Van Gilder called the meeting to order – Meeting was recorded
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll call by Clerk R. Vangilder, P. Parkos, B. Milligan, M. Manning in attendance. J. Depoister not in attendance.
Meeting was also attended by the following Brandon Willger, Linda Zillmer, Bob Longacre, Lisa Longacre, Ernie Langosch, Julie Brunclik, and Gerri via ZOOM.

Public Notice: Posted at the Birchwood Post Office, Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery and Village Website.

Police Report: Officer Adam Brunclick presented – Busier due to tourist in town. Working on the nuisance properties for lawn length, sending out warnings. Warnings expire on June 17th. Working on ABR certification for FBI data. Firearms certifications, defense and arrest tactics, vehicle requirements. All statutory requirements. No questions.
Public Works Report: Ron Strand spoke – Completed patching the roads for now, may do ore prior to Bluegill Fest. Worked on the culvert on S. Main Street. Started weed whipping and spraying and will start cutting ditches. Camper pulled out and damaged on of the peds, camper called in about it and will pay for the damage. Loader is back. Tractor is back. With it being dry will cut grass every other week or every third week. Will be working more on the ball field. Communication issue between the e-foot valve and the computer. Have a tech coming in to address that issue end of the week or early next week. Waiting on parts for the gate. Will not be able to burn until fall. Rocky Van Gilder spoke asked Ron to get some quotes on some new street signs to be put on the July agenda. Ron Strand also asked Ashley Beffa to include the estimate he got from Washburn County to pulverize and shape Doolittle Park, to be on agenda for July as well. Rocky Van Gilder asked if we received to flow valve back. Ron stated yes but can not get it to work as there is a communication problem. Something with the antenna from the blower room to the computer. No further questions.
Non-Committee Reports: Bridget Milligan had her first Parks Committee meeting. Meeting minutes are still being typed and will be loaded to the Village website after Bridget approves them.

Citizen Comments: (Limit 3 minutes per person) Bob Longacre addressed agenda Item 6 ci – Special event Permit for Paul’s Pizza Den Music on Deck. Since last board meeting have had no complaints for loud music. Only complaint was for deliveries at 5:15am. Memorial weekend and for bottles being dumped into dumpster late at night. Requested that a reasonable disciple be put into the ordinance for the good of the whole town. Told there was a complaint about music on a night not agreed upon, wanted it on the record that the complaint did not come form them.
Ernie Langosch presented April 2021 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes page 5 and took issue with the comment that Mark Manning stated he himself had stated that the home on Wise Road was inhabitable. Ernie Langosch requested that Mark Manning resign from the Village Board. Ernie Langosch stated he did not make the statement at the school and di not make the statement at all. Bridget Milligan requested to see the document Ernie was holding.. Ernie continued to rant at Mark Manning. Rocky Van Gilder Requested that Ernie be seated. Ashley Beffa requested to see the document to make a copy for record. Rocky Van Gilder stated that a copy would be made, and that Ernie’s claim would be addressed. Ernie claimed he put the house up for sale and sold it in one day. He would be out of the property in two (2) months.
Linda Zillmer spoke to agenda item 5 – Mosaic service options and costs. Hoped that the Village negotiated with Mosaic to lesser costs for service and options. Stated that the shed Mosaic built is not going to generate much in taxes for the Village. When Mosaic wanted to purchase land on Holly Hill they were going to give them free service for life. Stated that other counties and towns with cell towers have negotiated free services. Did not know what is on the table but asked that the board work hard on negotiating with Mosaic. Also spoke to agenda items 6 and seven Special Event Permits regarding the Bluegill Festival. Hopes there will be ID checks, wrist bands and designated drinking areas. Should be no carry in at the ball field only sales should be by the Lions Club. Otherwise, it becomes to hard to control who is being served and how much. Spoke to agenda item 11 East Hill Subdivision. Is not in favor of changing the Ordinance. Spoke to agenda item 12 Industrial Park. Is not in favor of dividing it and selling the property. Feels the Village would lose the opportunity for more revenue. Spoke to agenda item 21 Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application. Requested that the Village keep the Licensing for indoors, on designated decks, patios, and designated smoking areas only. Please read the area that looking to be approved and adjust appropriately. No further public comments.

Correspondence: No correspondence

Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. Current agenda: Bridget Milligan made a motion to approve with the stated changes and corrections of April 20th, 2021, Annual Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes were approved at the May meeting. Seconded by Paul Parkos. Carried 4 to 0
  2. Meeting Minutes Approval: Paul Parkos motioned to approve May 5th and May 11th Meeting Minutes. Second by Mark Manning. Carried 4 to 0.
    1. May 5th, 2021 Special Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
    2. May 11th, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
    3. April 20th, 2021 Annual Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
  3. Financials: Motion by Paul Parkos to approve April 2021 and May 2021 Financials. Second by Mark Manning. Carried 4 to 0.
    1. April 2021 Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports
    2. May 2021 Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports
  4. 2020 Audit: Brandon Willger – Two Rivers Accounting presented 2020 Audit draft Power Point.
    Financial Statement – Issuing an unmodified opinion- the highest level that can be received. Ultimately means that the Village financial statements are fairly stated in accordance with Gap. Levy Limit Worksheet stated that Village had long term debt, be aware that the funds should be used for either debt or to regenerate the General Fund. But not building it into the operating budget. Be cognizant of using for debt services or building up funds.

    1. Review of 2020 audit with accountant
  5. Mosaic: Julie Brunclik presented – Village will save $3400.60 a year. The new phone system is internet based and would allow working from home. Projection is for fall of 2021. If the phone is not answered the system will roll to voicemail and send an email to the office stated who called. Linda Zillmer asked if Mosaic if package would include phone and internet and lower the cost of services to the Village. Rocky Van Gilder requested Julie Brunclik to investigate the possibility. Ashley Beffa stated that we could not get an answer from Century Link for a proposal in-kind for services. Burying of fiber optics to the Village properties/facilities and to residences is at no cost. Decision on services will be tabled until July Board Meeting pending request from Rocky Van Gilder on service cost reduction. Motion by Paul Parkos to approve permit for Mosaic to bury fiber optic line on Village property to facilitate service to the Police Station, Village Hall, Fire Protect, and sewer plant. Second by Bridget Milligan. Carried 4 to 0. Permit for Mosaic to bury fiber optic line on property will be signed after the meeting.
    1. Service options and costs
      1. Village of Birchwood
      2. Birchwood Police Department
    2. Permit for Mosaic to bury fiber optic line on property

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