The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting – January 14th, 2021, at 6:30 pm

The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting of the Village of Birchwood
will be held on January 14th, 2021, at 6:30 pm
at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817

Rick Oswalt-Town of Birchwood, Ken Leners-Town of Cedar Lake,
Timothy Stearns-Town of Doyle, Bill Zimmer-Town of Edgewater,
Mick Givens-Town of Long Lake, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson,
John Depoister-Village of Birchwood

Agenda of Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. PledgeofAllegiance.
  2. RollCall.
  3. Approve December 10, 2020 Zoom Meeting Minutes.
  4. PublicInput.
  5. Fire Department Report.
  6. AmbulanceServiceReport.
  7. Determine signers for BFCESD banking and credit accounts due to change of officer.
  8. EdgewaterwithdrawalfromAmbulanceService.
  9. Consider plans for ambulance purchase.
  10. Approve the purchase of a laptop computer for use by the BFCESD President.
  11. Review 2020 financials and 2015 Fund Balance Policy.
  12. Approve or Reject invoice from Cedar Lake for Storage of Fire Truck and Trailer.
  13. Building Committee report.
  14. Open discussion regarding building project and direction going forward.
  15. Update on promissory notes for the building project and authorization for President to seek attorney comments on draft of promissory notes if
  16. Review and determine items regarding policy and procedure for consideration or action at a future meeting.
  17. Approve donations that were received since the last meeting and consider appointing a Fundraising Committee.
  18. Accept Bookkeepers report and Approve invoices for payment.
  19. Review Correspondence.
  20. Commissioners Input.
  21. Adjourn.

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Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.