The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting – August 10th, 2021, at 6:00 pm

The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting of the Village of Birchwood will be held on Tuesday, August 10th, 2021, at 6:00 pm
at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817

AGENDA (Masks Optional)

Village President call meeting to order – Meeting will be recorded
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call by Clerk (R. Vangilder, P. Parkos, J. Depoister, B. Milligan, and M. Manning)
Public Notice: Posted at the Birchwood Post Office, Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery and Village Website.
Police Report – Public Works Report – Committee Reports
Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limit 3 minutes per person)

Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. Current agenda 
  2. Meeting Minutes Approval
    1. August 10th, 2021 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
  3. Financials
    1. July 2021 Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports
  4. Neighbor to Neighbor
    1. Donations and purpose
    2. Contract
  5. Special Event Permit
    1. Timber Fest (October 2nd)
      1. Fundraiser for Timber Bay building
    2. 3rd Annual Family Fall Festival (September 25th)
      1. Fundraiser for The Cross Youth 
  6. Lisa Damon Request
    1. Damon and Johnson legacy
  7. Municipal Sign Approval
    1. Welcome to Birchwood sign ideas brought forward by Katelyn Bratvold 
  8. Public Use of Village Hall 
    1. Access to Village Hall building via key rather than keypad 
    2. Village Hall Use Application
  9. Ordinances
    1. Ordinance 2021-02, Section 1. Chapter 8 Article XI “Garage Sales”
  10. Amendment Ordinance 2021-03 Section 2. Article VIII Sec. 24-418 Operation within village
    1. Amend Ordinance 2021-02 –  No ATV/UTVs allowed on County Road D from Hinman Dr to Country Road DD
  11. East Hill Subdivision Properties
    1. Change covenant from 1 year 
      1. Determine listing price for property 65-106-2-37-10-25 5 15-261-502000
  12. East Hills Subdivision Lot 3 
    1. Determine sale price and special assessment for water/sewer
  13. Industrial Park
    1. Development plan
  14. Adjournment

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Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.