September 8, 2020 Board of Trustee Minutes – Approved
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees was held on
Tuesday, September 8th, 2020, at 6:00 pm
Birchwood School Commons, 300 Wilson Ave, Birchwood, WI 54817
Village Board Members: J. Depoister, R. VanGilder, N. Seffinga, M. Manning, and S. Small
Village President call meeting to order – Meeting will be recorded
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call by Clerk (S. Hendrickson): Present: J. Depoister, M. Manning, R. VanGilder, S. Small. Absent: N. Seffinga
Also present: A. Brunclik, T. Fee, A. Holman, B. Gordon, B. and A. Longacre, S. Hayes, D. Nelson, C. Thompson, S. Dulian, J. Jeffrey, T. Niccum, C. Hayes, D. Marcon, B. Jilek, S. Sowa, and K. Cupp.
Verification of Public Notice: Posted at Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery, and Post Office. Posted on Website
Police Report: A.Brunclik- It’s been a usual summer dealing with tourist traffic and ATV traffic. We are starting our Drive Sober Campaign.
Public Works Report: T. Fee: Sewer plant working better. It’s actually running pretty fast with the chemicals. Tucker recommends we use sugar as well. Regarding tank inspections-Many nearby local governments are changing from Lane Tank to KLM. KLM has a good reputation and follow’s up with the municipalities. KLM has 10- year plan including double tank drain, 1- and 5- year inspections depending on what we would like. Tucker will ask a representative from both KLM and Lane to attend the next meeting. Old trailer ended up having to have all 4 tires replaced. Parks: Everything is going well. Ron is happy with the progress we’ve made.
Committee Report:
Planning: Nothing to report.
Ordinance: Nothing to report.
Parks: End of the year meeting will be held on Thursday, September 17th at 9:00 a.m. at the
pavilion in Doolittle Park. This gives everyone a chance to see what needs to be done. The
agenda is to discuss repairs at the Village Parks.
BFCESD: They were a little disappointed that everyone didn’t approve the by-laws. Building plans are being worked on. Hopefully, bids will be out by spring. They would have liked to break ground before winter, but it doesn’t look like it will happen. The plan is to start in the spring.
Streets: Nothing to report.
Citizen Comments – Limit 3 minutes per person:
S. Small updated board on the 2 new voting machines Washburn County is purchasing for the Village. She did not feel with the volume of voting we have that we needed to spend the approximate $3000.00 extra for the updated version. They should be ready in Jan/Feb 2021 to use in Spring election. She may need more training for this.
T. Niccum expressed support for the RV Park. Birchwood is a great recreational area. He feels this will be great for the city. He also commented on what an eye-sore the abandoned campground is right now, and how much better the new RV Park will look.
B. Jilek expressed support for the RV Park. Washburn County is expanding their parks. He feels the Village should welcome someone who is willing to invest in this community.
D. Marcon expressed support for the RV Park. He stated we need money coming into the Village for future growth of this community. He also stated that the Village can’t afford to lose any more businesses.
S. Sowa addressed the board to correct agenda item # 6 regarding a drive-way permit. The correct name is Steve Sowa and the street is actually N Creek Lane.
Email received from Linda Zillmer regarding agenda item # 13. We will discuss it under that item.
Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed)
- Current agenda
- Motion by Manning, seconded by Small to approve September 8th, 2020 Agenda after item #6 address and name are corrected. Motion carried 4-0.
- Meeting Minutes Approval
- Motion by VanGilder, seconded by Depoister to approve the August 4th, 2020 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes. Motion carried 4-0.
- Plan Commission recommendation on request for Zoning/Conditional Use on proposed RV Park at 501 Wise Rd.
- Motion by VanGilder seconded by S. Small to approve a Public Hearing regarding the Zoning and Conditional Use request for an RV Park at 501 Wise Rd. Motion carried 4-0.
- Midwest LLC
- Motion by VanGilder, seconded by Manning to approve Midwest LLC to obtain appraisal and survey of property in order to make an offer to purchase land from the Village. Motion carried 4-0.
- Masonite Pump House
- Review Contract-No action
Motion by Small, seconded by Depoister to approve 2020 JF Ahern agreement for Fire Sprinkler Inspection and pump house repairs (replace and re-pipe 2 discharge valves) once we get a new estimate/contract for $8422.00 in the Village’s name. Motion carried 4-0.
- Driveway Permit
- Address corrected from 1021 E Cedar Ave (Kwiatek property) to N Creek Lane (Steve Sowa property). Motion by Depoister, seconded by Manning to approve driveway permit which includes installing a culvert. Motion carried 4-0.
- Tennis Court
- Surface repair update from last month. Tabled until Spring 2021.
- Application for Operator’s License
- Motion by Manning, seconded by Depoister to approve license for Carrie Schnacky. Motion carried 4-0.
- Motion by Small, seconded by VanGilder to approve license for Jasmin Kurtz. Motion carried 4-0.
- Accountant
- Proposal to change from current accountant to Two Rivers Accounting. See contracts. Motion by Small, seconded by Depoister to table until the September Budget Workshop to get complete contract. Motion carried 4-0
- Blue Line Flag
- Motion by Manning, seconded by Depoister to approve flying flag for a week this fall. Motion carried 4-0.
- Sewer Plant
- New Gate Estimate. Tabled until we get a new revised estimate.
- Culvert
- We received 2 bids- Brad Traaseth for $1500.00 and Peterson Services for $1200.00. Motion by Manning, seconded by Vangilder to accept Peterson Services bid for the South Main Street Culvert. Motion Carried 4-0.
- Motion by VanGilder seconded by Depoister to approve and sign the 2021 Assessment Resolution for Fire and Ambulance. Motion carried 4-0.
- Motion by VanGilder, seconded by Small to approve the BFCEDS By-laws. Motion carried 4-0.
- Financials
- Approval of Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports for August 2020. Tabled until next month’s meeting.
- Closed Session
- Motion by Small, seconded by Depoister to go into Closed session pursuant to 19.85(1)© and 19.85 (1)(b) WI statues which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data. Roll Call: Small, Depoister, VanGilder, and Manning present. Seffinga absent. Motion carried 4-0.
- Open Session:
- Motion by Small, seconded by Vangilder to reconvene after Closed session. No action taken on Closed session.
- Adjournment. Motion by Small, seconded by VanGilder to adjourn. Motion carried 4-0.
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