September 2015 Minutes

The Village of Birchwood Board Members held the monthly Board meeting at the Birchwood Village Hall, September 9, 2015 starting at 6:10 p.m.  The meeting was called to order, pledge of allegiance was recited, roll call, present:  Seffinga, VanGilder, Zillmer, Small and Hurckman.  Also present Officer Brunclik, Maintenance – Beffa, Clerk-Treasurer Busick, people representing the Neighbor to Neighbor program, Betsey Acrey, Gwen Hilligoss, Bob and Lisa Longacre, Steve and Robin Carlson, Wanda and Ron Masek, Janet Denison, Morris Gillett.

Police Report – Brunclik said he has been working on dog complaints, bad check complaints and reports of property damage.  Attended a seminar at the Dells and met with New Paradigm Partners in Spooner regarding Children safety.

Maintenance – Beffa said the report on the pump house inspection showed everything is in good order.  The water tower inspection also had a good report but suggested we replace a vent in the next five year for around five to six thousand dollars.  Tucker has been working with MSA to clean up the media problem at the sewer plant.

Public Recognition – Betsey Acrey said she asked to be on the agenda for two items.  She said she sent an e-mail to the Trustees with her issues regarding the cost of health insurance and utility billing and operation questions, this could have been detailed out to let people know what is going on.  Linda Zillmer spoke as a resident and said as a Trustee

she should be able to meet with the public and not be in violation of the Open Meetings Law and be told to leave the building.

New Business

  1. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve the agenda as written, carried 5-0.
  2. Motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga to approve the Special Events permit for

The Special Projects Committee of the Lions Club with music, pop and free popcorn at

Rest Park, this is a non-alcohol event, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to approve Resolution #171-15 Designating TIF

District #2 as a severely distressed TIF with direction from the Plan Commission,

Carried 4-1 with Zillmer opposing.

  1. Request for additional funds to complete the sidewalk from Park to Balsam will be

addressed next month as we have not heard back from the State.

  1. Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve payment #1 for Pember Companies for

$92,149.66 for approximately one sixth of the project, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Seffinga, second by Hurckman to approve payment to Staab Construction for

$27,262.00 for final payment, carried 5-0. Any work from here out will be under


  1. Motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder to approve the WWTF Certification with Staab

Form EIF Environmental Improvement Fund Project Acceptance Certification, carried 5-0

  1. Morris Gillett said he was moving and wanted to make sure the Neighbor to Neighbor

Program can still occupy the space downstairs rent free.  He said they have been

Paying $50 per quarter for utilities but will now commit to $100 per quarter. Motion

by Seffinga, second by VanGilder to approve the request, carried 5-0.  The room wished

Gillett well and will be sad to see him leave our community.

  1. Motion by VanGilder, second by Seffinga to accept the new ATV map that was presented

Speed limit will be 10 miles per hour and routes will not open until all signs are posted,

And signed off by Officer Brunclik, Carried 5-0.  The snowmobile route is not the same as

the ATV routes.

  1. Motion by Small, to send scope of service proposals to several companies to give us a bid

on evaluating the need of village hall.  The Fire Department, Ambulance Departments will

be asked for their impute on their needs, second by Seffinga, carried 5-0.

  1. Employee evaluations will be held on September 29th and September 30th at 4:00 each


  1. Motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga to hire Dan Thole to work on the budget and

assess our finances and make recommendations on our borrowing, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to renew the Assessor Contract with Dave

Sovacool for $3,200 for 2016, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to approve Resolution #170-15 Compliance

Maintenance Report, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve the Operator Licenses for Amy Taylor,

Dakota Tabor, Nicole Crotteau, carried 5-0.

  1. Clean up day will be held on September 19th from 8:00 to 1:00 p.m.
  2. Motion by Small, second by Zillmer to approve Resolution #172-15 regarding the Chetac

and Birch Lake Management Plan and Treatments, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Hurckman, second by VanGilder to allow a U-turn at Birch and Main Street

but at no other intersections on Main Street as well as no U-turn into parking spaces,

Carried 3-1-0 Zillmer opposing, Small no vote.

  1. Hurckman made changes to Committee appointments, she will now chair the Policy and

Ordinance Committees removing Zillmer from both committees.  Seffinga will replace

Hurckman on the Ordinance Committee, motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga to

approve,  carried 4-0.

Minutes, New Bills, Payroll and acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report, motion by Seffinga, second by Small, to approve, carried 5-0.

Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m., carried 5-0.

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