Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting – Revised June 15th, 2021 Agenda

The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting of the Village of Birchwood will be held on Tuesday, June 15th, 2021, at 6:00 pm at

the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817


Join Zoom Meeting (revised)


Meeting ID:   945 7772 1060  Passcode: 848901

or Call (312)626-6799


AGENDA (Masks Optional)


Village President call meeting to order – Meeting will be recorded

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call by Clerk (R. Vangilder, P. Parkos, J. Depoister, B. Milligan, and M. Manning)

Public Notice: Posted at the Birchwood Post Office, Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery and Village Website.

Police Report – Public Works Report – Committee Reports

Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limit 3 minutes per person)



Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. Current agenda
  2. Meeting Minutes Approval
    1. May 5th, 2021 Special Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
    2. May 11th, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
    3. April 20th, 2021 Annual Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
  3. Financials
    1. April 2021 Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports
    2. May 2021 Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports
  4. 2020 Audit
    1. Review of 2020 audit with accountant
  5. Mosaic
    1. Service options and costs
      1. Village of Birchwood
      2. Birchwood Police Department
  6. Special Event Permit
    1. Historical Society Pie & Ice Cream Social
      1. Village Hall use during Bluegill Festival
    2. Lion’s Club Bluegill Festival (revised)
      1. Music on Main Street
    3. Paul’s Pizza Den
      1. Music on Deck
  7. Street Closing Permit (revised)
    1. Lion’s Club Bluegill Festival
      1. Close Main Street in front of Village Hall and Greeners
    2. Doolittle Beach Bash Music
      1. Approval of Sean Thomas DJ Contract
  8. Sign Permit (revised)
    1. Lion’s Club Bluegill Festival
  9. Blacktop Maintenance (revised)
    1. Bid potential of work involving a contract under $25,000
  10. East Hills Subdivision
    1. Change covenant
    2. Habitat for Humanity price
  11. Industrial Park Property
    1. Splitting of parcel
  12. Emergency Operation Plan
    1. Resolution 212-21
      1. Updates to plan
  13. Ordinance In Need of Updates
    1. Vacation Rental Homes
    2. Nuisance Lawn
    3. Garage Sales
    4. Dogs
  14. Insurance Bond
    1. Horton Insurance Quote
  15. Provisional Operator’s License
    1. Place license will be used – Bluegill Festival
      1. Applicants
        1. Hayes, R. Seffinga, C. Schnacky
  16. Operator’s License (July 1st, 2021 – June 30th, 2021)
    1. Primary place of employment where license will be used – Paul’s Pizza Den
      1. Applicants – P. Parkos, L. Parkos, M. Springer, S. Odalen, P. Wager, J. Skar, R. Shultz J. Robarge, G. Hayes, C. Pendleton, C. Hallstrom
    2. Primary place of employment where license will be used – Ed’s Pit Stop
      1. Applicants – J. Garrett, B. Wallin, S. Rurup, T. Wolf, H. Kasten, M. Ford
    3. Primary place of employment where license will be used – Gary’s Grocery
      1. Applicants: J. Olmstead, P. Landes, V. Schultz, C. Widiker
    4. Primary place of employment where license will be used – Jason’s Market
      1. Applicants: L. Clark, J. Clark, G. Widiker, M. Duhela, C. Lapcinski, K. Lane, G. Duhela
    5. Primary place of employment where license will be used – Bear Tracks
      1. Applicants: N. Wittmer, M. Wittmer, K. Jefson, T. Davidson, M. Jefson, P. Amundson
    6. Primary place of employment where license will be used – Birchwood Café
  17. Application for Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retail License
    1. Ed’s Pit Stop LLC
    2. Bluegill Bar
    3. Jason’s Market
    4. Gary’s Grocery
  18. Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application
    1. Ed’s Pit Stop LLC
      1. Class A Beer
      2. Class A Liquor
    2. Mary’s Bluegill Bar – Mary Manka, Agent
      1. Class B Beer
      2. Class B Liquor
    3. Jason’s Market – Duhela Maninder, Agent
      1. Class A Beer
      2. Class A Liquor
    4. Gary’s Grocery – Duhela Maninder, Agent
      1. Class A Beer
      2. Class A Liquor
    5. Birchwood Café – Tyler LeBrocq, Agent
      1. Class B Beer
      2. Class C Wine
    6. Bear Tracks – Nathan Wittmer
      1. Class B Beer
      2. Class B Liquor
    7. Paul’s Pizza Den – Paul Parkos, Agent
      1. Class B Beer
      2. Class B Liquor
  19. Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License
    1. Lion’s Club Bluegill Festival
      1. Main Street from Elm to Park, Rest Park, and Fire Hall
      2. Baseball Field (Lot 8, block 8) including concessions.
  20. Closed Session
    1. Pursuant to 19.85(1)© and 19.85 (1)(b) WI statute which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data
  21. Open Session
    1. Matters discussed in closed session
  22. Adjournment

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Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.