Regular Monthly Board of Trustee Meeting Agenda 5.11.2021 @ 6 pm

The Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting of the Village of Birchwood

will be held on Tuesday, May 11th, 2021, at 6:00 pm

at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 996 0542 8032  Passcode: 822605

or Call (312)626-6799



AGENDA (Masks Optional)



Village President call meeting to order – Meeting will be recorded

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call by Clerk (R. Vangilder, P. Parkos, J. Depoister, B. Milligan, and M. Manning)

Public Notice: Posted at the Birchwood Post Office, Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery and Village Website.

Police Report – Public Works Report – Committee Reports

Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Only (Limit 3 minutes per person)



Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. Current agenda
  2. Meeting Minutes Approval
    1. April 21st, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
  3. Financials
    1. April 2021 Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports
  4. Operator’s License
    1. Okey
    2. Kailelynn
  5. Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License
    1. Lion’s Club Bluegill Festival
  6. Sarah Langosh Benefit
    1. Donate 1 weekend of camping at Doolittle Campground
  7. Paul’s Pizza Den
    1. Special Event Permit
      1. Music on Deck
    2. Mosiac
      1. Right-Of-Way/Excavation/Opening/Boring Application
    3. 2021-2022 Committees
      1. Appoint new committee members
    4. Holly Hill Ln
      1. Permanent Weight Restriction or Grate the Road
    5. Habitat for Humanity
      1. Proposal of land swap
    6. Resolution No 211-21
      1. Village of Birchwood to Order the Razing of a Building
        1. Parcel ID 65-106-2-37-10-25-5 15-526-565000
      2. Amundson Services LLC Estimate
        1. Chain Link Fence for Village Shop
      3. Municipal Water
        1. Maintenance and Repairs to Wellhouse per DNR’s request
      4. Industrial Park Property
        1. Process of selling – Realter or just advertise via advertising.
      5. Municipal Sewer
        1. In-kind repair and replacement of Lift Station 3
      6. Closed Session
        1. Pursuant to 19.85(1)© and 19.85 (1)(b) WI statute which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data
      7. Open Session
        1. Matters discussed in closed session
      8. Adjournment




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Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.