Regular Board of Trustees Meeting May 8th at 6:00 pm
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees will be held on May 8th, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall
101 N. Main Street, Birchwood, WI 54817
Call Meeting to Order – Roll call – Pledge of Allegiance
Police Report – Maintenance Dept. Report
Public Recognition – (Limit 3 minutes per person and there will be no action taken)
New Business
- Approve agenda or make changes as needed.
- Approve minutes or make changes as needed from April 17, 2018 Board Meeting.
- Linda Zillmer presentation on Birch Lake Dam Assessment.
- Discuss/action on request from Ed’s PitStop, for a beer/wine license.
- Discuss/action on Town of Cedar Lake (Ken Leners), request for police coverage.
- Discuss/action about the Cancer Kick Ball Event.
- Discuss/action on Block Party/Street Closing application for Birchwood Lions Club Craft Show during the Bluegill Festival on July 14th, 2018, alleyway behind Dairy State Bank.
- Discuss/action on properties needing cleanup due to junk in yards.
Committee Meeting Reports (if any)
- Street Committee
- Park Committee – SET MEETING DATE
- Ordinance Committee
Approval of New Bills, Payroll and acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report
- Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to 19.85(1)(c) and 19.85(1)(b) WI statues which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data.
- Motion to reconvene in open session to discuss issues and take action on matters discussed in closed session.
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.
Posted in Board of Trustees