Regular Board Meeting Minutes – November 2016

The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly board meeting on Wednesday November 9, 2016 at 6:00 pm at the Birchwood Village Hall. Roll Call: Depoister, Hurckman, Seffinga, and VanGilder – Present; Small – Absent.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Police Report – Chief of Police Adam Brunclik provided copies of his monthly activity report for October. He has been busy with regular programs and traffic concerns.

Maintenance Report – Tucker Fee reports the flushing of fire hydrants; park has been cleaned up with exception of a few docks left; chose one vendor for well maintenance; and finishing up the brush cleanup.

Public Comment – Linda Zillmer spoke about Washburn County looking for special assessments for Birch Lake Dam; asked about contact of residents for hydrant flushing; respect for the loss of Dan Glaze; questioned village post that did not mention “audit”; question about January 14, 2016 loan approval for 1.7% interest.  Kelly Lehnert thanking the Main Street businesses who are supporting the Charter School Information Center.

New Business

  1. Motion to approve the agenda by VanGilder, second by Depoister, carried 4-0.
  2. Motion to approve minutes from October board meeting by VanGilder, second by Seffinga, carried 4-0.
  3. Teresa Anderson presented the final request for payment from Pember for $6,698.23 and $16,070.69. Motion to approve payment by Seffinga, second by Depoister, carried 4-0.
  4. The board heard from Kevin Sunderland reports that the Village needs to abandon the alleyway. It is appreciated if the Village would help to support the financial needs to cover the cost of the roadway.  Kelly Lehnert spoke about the fundraising done to help support this endeavor.  Tucker will check into the pipe sticking out of the ground in that area.  Motion to abandon the alleyway east of the football field by Hurckman, second by Seffinga.  Carried 4-0.
  5. Chelsea presented the 2017 proposed budget for board approval. Board approved as presented and set Public Hearing December 13th @ 5:30 pm.

Motion by Seffinga, second by Hurckman to approve new bills and payroll, carried 4-0.

Motion to Adjourn by Hurckman, second by Depoister.

Submitted by Kathy Paquette, Clerk-Treasurer

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