Regular Board Meeting Minutes – June 2014
The Village of Birchwood held the monthly meeting at the Birchwood Village Hall, on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order, roll call: Present: Gillett, Seffinga, Zillmer and Small, absent: Hayes. Also present was Clerk-Treasurer Busick, Deputy Clerk-Treasure Murley, Maintenance Fee, Officer Brunclik and MSA-Teresa Anderson. The pledge of allegiance was recite.
POLICE REPORT – Newly hired Adman Brunclik was re-introduced to the Board, he said he has picked up his uniforms and will be picking up the squad tonight. It was suggested he attend the Edgewater Board meeting next Tuesday night a letter will be sent asking to introduce him and see if they would like to continue with their contract with us.
MAINTENANCE DEPT REPORT – Fee reported progress on Euclid (Co. Hwy D) project the County is doing. While working they discovered a couple issues that would lead to a leak later on so they have been fixed. Lift stations 2 & 4 are up and running and 1 & 3 will be running by the end of the week. The grass at Doolittle is growing good, Zillmer asked if some low hanging branches on Holly Hill could be trimmed.
- Motion by Gillett, second by Zillmer to approve the agenda as presented, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by Gillett to approve payments to MSA for 444,026.50 and
$13,500.66 totaling $57,567.16, carried 4-0. Motion by Seffinga to approve payment to
Staab Construction for $574,367.00, carried 4-0. Motion by Seffinga, second by Small
to approve payment to Cedar Corporation for $4,770.81, carried 4-0. Zillmer asked if
we would have any info before the meeting, wondering about the amount of lights that
at anticipated.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to approve Taylor Schultz for an operator license
till June 30, 2014, carried 4-0. Motion by Motion by Zillmer, second by Gillett to
approve operator licenses for Ellie Zimmer pending her competing her certification
carried, 4-0. Motion by Seffinga, second by Gillett to approve Jeffrey Robotka, Pam
Landes, Judy Manning , David Carrion, Katherine Depoister, Michelle Davies, Melissa
Wittner, Shannon Thome, May Calhoun, Liz Stoeklen, Stacie Small, carried 3-0 with
Small abstaining.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve liquor licenses for The Hungry
Minnow, carried 3-1 Zillmer opposed because they requested all lots. Motion by
Seffinga, second by Small to approve Ed’s Pit Stop, Jason Market, Bear Tracks, Bluegill
Bar, Birchwood Café, Shannon’s Trailside, Gary’s Grocery, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, second Gillett to approve the Picnic License for the Fire Department
For July 5th and July 6th and wavy the ordinance, carried 3-1 with Zillmer opposing
because of waving the ordinance. Motion by Nancy, second by Small to approve the
Special Events Permit for July 7th and July 6th , carried 4-0. Motion by Gillett, second
by Small to approve the Picnic License for the Lions Club for July 18th – July 20th for
Picnic licenses for the baseball field and Main Street and wave the ordinance, carried
4-1 with Zillmer opposing because of waving the ordinance. Motion by Gillett, second
by Small to approve the Special Events Permit for the Lions Club July 18th – July 20th,
carried 4-0.
- Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve Cigarette License for Bluegill Bar, Ed’s
Pit Stop, Jason Market and Gary’s Grocery, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to approve the Street Use Permit for Ron Masek
For July 5th from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wilson Street between Elm and Chetac
providing the open the Street before they close Main Street for the dance, carried 4-0.
- Board will meet on June 17th at 5:00 p.m. to look over the bi-law information.
- Zillmer reported at the 19 letters were sent regarding the slow-no-wake zone on Little
Birch, 15 were returned with 11 for, 3 against and one compromise.
Because of the size of the lake the DNR will not enforce, so a notice will be put in the
utility bills news letter telling people to call the DNR when boaters are too close to shore
or any other violations.
- Zillmer contacted the DNR about getting some Turtle Crossing signs by the Creek,
Wanted to know if the Village crew could put them up, the signs are free, motion
By Seffinga, second by Small, to approve, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to adopt the Committee assignment as discussed
Tonight, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve having Washburn County take over
The SVRS duties for $300 per year, carried 4-0.
- Board asked that the Building Permit form add something about the need for a
Driveway permit and a utility inspection.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Gillett to approve Resolution #163-2014 with a change to
Resolution #2014-1 add as amended referenced in the second whereas, carried 4-0.
TRUSTEE COMMENTS – Clerk Busick had an accommodation presented to Irene Knapmiller for her service as Post Master from President Franklin Roosevelt. It will be hung in the Village Hall, thank you Ruth Knapmiller for donating it.
CORRESPONDENCE – Zillmer read a letter from Cherice Hagen DNR saying we need better communication on the Treatment of lake Chetac, will keep in touch.
ADJOURN – Motion by Small, second by Seffinga, carried 4-0.
Approved as written – -July 1, 2014
Vicki Busick – Village Clerk
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