Regular Board Meeting Minutes – July 2014

The Village of Birchwood held the monthly meeting at the Birchwood Village Hall on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.  The meeting was called to order, roll call: Gillett, Seffinga, Hayes, Zillmer, Small, absent:  None.  Also present

Busick, Murley, Fee and resident Ernie Langosch.  The pledge of allegiance was recited.

POLICE REPORT – Officer Brunclik reported he was been busy with administrative duties getting his office in place.  He is working on a fee schedule for reports.  The speed board has been out at various areas.  He has meet with personnel from the school and Attorney Kohler and introduced himself to the business people on Main Street.  Brunclik was instructed to start patrolling Edgewater per our agreement with them.

MAINTENACE REPORT – Fee reported the new utility service is in on Morey, two major leaks were found when they were doing the work on Euclid, having mower problems may have to look into a new one.  Sewer project moving right along, still working on lift station issues.



  1. Motion by Small, second by Zillmer to approve the agenda as written,

carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve payment of $264,387.00

For Staab Construction, Payment to MSA for: $22,185.34, $13384.60,

$4200.00 and $1250.00, carried 5-0.

  1. Russ Kiviniemi from Cedar Corp reported on progress on the Main Street

Improvement Project.  He outlined color choices for light, benches, trash

receptacles and bike racks.  Discussed the choices for the light poles with

flag holders, and festoon outlet, poles will be LED light sources.

Construction will begin no earlier than August 3, 2015 after Blue-gill

festival.  He discussed the impact of the recent Act 20 legislation on the

project schedule.  Lastly the Real Estate Acquisition process, there are

strict rules on this process and only a few consulting firms do the work.

Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve the Relocation Order for

the Main Street Project, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve having the Village President

Sign the TLE and PLE forms as needed, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve MSA Consultants to for

The Right-of-Way Acquisition contract, carried 5-0.

  1. Officer Brunclik asked the Board to consider changing his title to Chief of

Police.  Motion by Zillmer, second by Seffinga to have our Attorney look at

the job description and our ordinances and make the determination, carried

4-1 with Gillett opposing.  Motion by Small, second by Zillmer to abide as

his contract is per the ordinance, the job description is what controls his

performance, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Gillett to approve Resolution #165-2014

Compliance Maintenance Annual Report, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to table the Building Permit form until

Next month, carried.

  1. Motion by Zillmer, second by Hayes to approve Operator License for Janell

Robotka continent on her background test, carried 5-0.  Motion by Small,

Second by Gillett to approve Operator Licenses for:  Nate Wittmer, Dakota

Tober, Cody Rurup, Jessica Mireau,. Judith Barthen, Amy Taylor Robert

Hayes, Kari Roshell, Michael Riordan, Nancy Seffinga, carried 3-0, with

Hayes and Seffinga abstaining.

  1. Connect Communities Program was tabled until next month with a motion

by Zillmer, second by Small, Clerk will contact the Chamber and see who

would like to serve on the Committee and Zillmer will contact them to see

how many people should be on the Committee.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Gillett to appoint Linda Zillmer as the Public

Information Officer for Emergencies and to attend the conference in

Hayward, Carried 4-0, Zillmer abstained.

  1. We will not be hiring any part-time help. Bob Hayes has volunteered to

help with some of the mowing like the baseball field, village will pay for

the gas.


  1. BFCESD Report – Zillmer said Ambulance Director Bobbie Robotka will be

retiring at the end of the year.  Discussion on options for repairing donated

rig from LMC.  This will be talked about at July 10th Board Meeting.  Gillett

discussed land at Cedar and S. Main Street for Emergency Service Building.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS – Clerk asked if Board would consider:  an Ad for the

Chamber book, Human Society for next month.  Gillett reported on the Lakes

Association request for replacement of a buoy on Big Birch.

Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve minutes, new bills, payroll and acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report, carried 5-0.

Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting @ 8:30p.m., carried




Approve as written, August 5, 2014


Vicki Busick – Clerk-Treasurer

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