Regular Board Meeting Minutes – January 2014

The Village of Birchwood Trustee held the monthly Board meeting on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at the Birchwood Village Hall at 6:00 p.m. following the Village Caucus.  The meeting was called to order by President Gillett.  Roll call: Gillett, Seffinga, Hayes, Zillmer and Small all present.  Also in attendance; Officer Kornbroke, Clerk-Treasurer Busick, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Murley,  Maintenance-Fee and Teresa Anderson from MSA.

POLICE REPORT – he had the police activity for 2013 with Birchwood and Edgewater.  He feels the activity between the two is pretty even when you consider the different types of calls and the school activity.  He said there was some vandalism to a few cars last month, activity at Birch Haven but not much else going on.

MAINTENANCE REPORT – Fee said they have been busy with snow plowing and keeping banks around stop signs, entrances, etc so people can see better. Had a couple frozen meters not our fault though.



  1. Motion by Zillmer to move item #6 to follow #1 and item #4 to follow six, carried 5-0.
  1. Motion by Gillett, second by Hayes to approve MSA to submit an application for additional funding for the Main Street Improvement Project for $4,200 to be paid out of TIF one account, carried 5-0.
  1. Motion by Zillmer, second by Seffinga to approve payment to Cedar Corp for $12,572.80, carried 5-0. Motion by Gillett, second by Hayes to approve payment to Staab Construction for $292,574.35, carried 5-0. Motion by Hayes, second by Seffinga to approve payment to MSA for $24,916.90, carried 5-0.
  1. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve operator licenses for Nicole Breed and Michelle Davies, carried 5-0.
  1. Linda Zillmer said Sawyer County is exploring a county wide well head protection ordinance.  She was asked to make a presentation on wellhead protection at Washburn County’s meeting in December.  We were going to pursue extraterritorial zoning on a wellhead protection ordinance but if the Counties may do this we may not have to take this on.  A letter will be drafted to Washburn County Zoning Administrator Web Macomber,  Washburn County Zoning Committee and Dale Olson from Sawyer County Zoning Administration encouraging them to approve this ordinance, motion by Seffinga, second by Small, carried 5-0.
  1. Gillett read a letter he drafted to the Commissioners on the BFCESD Board referencing a referendum should be held for a new emergency services building, motion by Seffinga, second by Hayes to have Gillett make changes as requested by the Board and have the Clerk send out the letter, carried 5-0.



  1. BFCESD – Board had a letter from Lakeview Medical Center saying they would be donating an ambulance at no charge to the District.  It is a 2005 with 160,409 miles, they were up front and said it has had some issues and suggest it should have an engine overhaul for approximately $15,000. The unit will be stored at the Town of Wilson temporally.
  1. Ordinance Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 22nd at 9:00 a.m.

TRUSTEE COMMENTS – Gillett suggested the Board read the article on page 12 of the Municipality.  Busick said there will be training for Planning Commissioners and Board of Appeals officials in Rice Lake, she will be sending out invitations to our members and would ask the Board to pay the fee.


Tim Labond – assessment for utilities

Polar Plunge

Community Service info from Washburn County

Motion by Small, second by Gillett to approve minutes, new bills and payroll and acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report, carried 5-0.

Adjournment – motion by Small, second by Seffinga, carried 7:15 p.m., carried 5-0.


Approved as written – February 4, 2014


Vicki Busick – Clerk-Treasurer

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