Regular Board Meeting Minutes – May 2014

The Village of Birchwood held the monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 6:15 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall.  The meeting was called to order, Roll call:  Gillett, Seffinga, Hayes, Zillmer and Minor all present.  Also present:  Clerk-Treasurer Busick, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Murley, Maintenance- Beffa, Gwen Hilligoss, Steven and Robin Carlson, Nate and Missy Wittmer, Bob Lewis, Ernie Langosch, Chuck and Kathy Labahn, Betsey Acrey and Bill Miller.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


MAINTENANCE DEPT REPORT – Beffa reported there was one sewer back-up due to roots and it has being taken care of.  We now have two of the new lift stations on line.

PUBLIC RECOGNITION – Bob Robotka was asking about the blacktop at Doolittle Park, will be done in the fall and asked about the pot holes on Park.  Gwen Hilligoss asked why the pot holes on Park have not been taken care of, she was here last month and was told they would be fixed.


  1. Motion by Gillett, second by Hayes to move item #10 to #8 and #12 to item #9, carried 5-0.
  2. Motion by Small, second by Hayes to approve the Class B Beer and Class B Liquor for Bear Tracks

Bar & Grill, carried 4-1, Zillmer was concerned that there were no stipulations on serving only in a

fenced in area.

  1. Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve payment to Staab Construction payment #10 for

$746,683.92, carried 5-0.  Motion by Small, second by Zillmer to approve payment to MSA for

$4,838.80, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Zillmer, second by Hayes to approve Resolution #161-2014 Citizen Participation Plan

for the Village, carried 5-0.  This is an updated version.

  1. Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve Resolution #162-2014 CDBG Public Facilities

application, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Gillett, second by Small to approve the Relocation Plan/Anti-Displacement Policy,

Carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to approve Resolution #163-2014 Non-Violent Demonstration

Policy resolution, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to approve the Excessive Use of Force Policy as written in the

Village Police Manual, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, Second by Seffinga to approve 2013 Operator’s License for Judith Barthens, carried 5-0.

Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve all 2014 Operator’s License that were presented: Jaynay Flora, Kimberly Lane, Sue Hubbard, Gurjit Duhela, Cinday Dillivan, Nicole Minnick, Stacey Rurup, Sheryll, Rieder, Casey Thorson, Jamie Shockcor, Nichole Amborn, Katherine Connell, Brandi Anys, Jennifer Garrett, Betsy Acrey, Vicky Matts, Sarah Mullen, Greg Hayes, Doreen Marsh, Shannon Gindt, Rhonda Schultz, Audrey Zimmer, Lisa Parkos, Gweneth Hilligoss, and Jacob Rurup, carried 5-0.

  1. Kathy and Chuck Labahn were present representing his brother Tim who is requesting

permission to hook up to our utility lines.  After a lot of discussion and different scenarios

President Gillett said we need to come to a conclusion so this man can move into his house.

Seffinga made a motion that Mr. Labahn will get the cost to hook up to our lines going straight

south and then strait west from his property.  This will be a onetime only special assessment

financed by the village, second by Hayes, carried 5-0.  Details will be worked out when we get the


  1. Zillmer had a resolution drawn up for approval of the Board on the objection to the Chemical

Treatment of Lake Chetac.  Discussion took place between Gillett, Zillmer and Miller on different

interpretations of this resolution and some references to resolution #156-13 adopted last year.

Motion by Gillett to table this until a document can prove the claims referenced and fix the

Whereas and remove any references to resolution #156-13, second by Seffinga, carried 3-2 with

Zillmer and Hayes opposing.

  1. Zillmer had copies of bylaws for the Board to look over to refer to the BFCESD, the Board will

have a special meeting that will be scheduled in June to set up bylaws and present to the District,

motion by Small,  second by Seffinga, carried 5-0.

  1. Discussion on purchasing a Street Sweeper. Beffa said he has been looking for about two years

and there just isn’t any used ones out there.  Motion by Gillett, second by Hayes to approve the

purchase of a 1990  Elgin Street Sweeper, providing there is some type of warranty and he will

talk to Rousar’s to make sure ours isn’t feasible to fix for no more than $15,000, Roll call:  Gillett

-yes, Hayes-yes, Seffinga-yes, Small-yes, Zillmer-no, carried 4-1 Zillmer wanted to have

something more clear about the warranty.

  1. Discussion on a new Welcome to Birchwood sign was tabled with a motion by Small and will be

Considered later when we do our signage for the Main Street Project, will have the Park

Committee be the lead committee, second by Zillmer, carried 5-0.

  1. Beffa will get bids from a couple contractors for the electrical up grades needed at Doolittle Park

And contact Xcel about maybe just putting in a bigger line.

  1. Beffa had two bids for a tractor which is part of our WWTP grant, but Board would like him to

To get a couple more quotes and see about putting it out for bids.



Park Committee had a meeting, they looked at needed repairs for the Skate Park, Fishing Pier, Doolittle, welcome sign, Bluegill Park and the Baseball Field.

Police Committee held a meeting to narrow down the candidates to three, they are taking a profile test through Washburn County Sheriff’s depart and will meet after the results come back.


Motion by Seffinga, second by Gillett to approve minutes, new bills and payroll and acceptance of the

Treasurer’s Report, carried 5-0.

Motion by Small, second by Gillett to adjourn the monthly meeting @8:55 p.m., carried 5-0.


Vicki Busick

Clerk-Treasurer  CMC, CMTW

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