Regular Board Meeting Minutes – March 2014
The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly Board Meeting at the Birchwood Village Hall, Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Gillett. Roll call: Gillett, Seffinga, Hayes, Zillmer and Small all present. Also present: Maintenance – Beffa, Clerk-Treasurer Busick, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Murley and Teresa Anderson from MSA.
Police Report – not available. Maintenance Report – Beffa said we have had nine freeze-ups and only five fixed. There are three that will have to wait until spring and one more waiting for the service to try and thaw them out. Busy snowplowing and moving snow around anticipating we will have more snow this month. Zillmer said they appreciate the work they have done keeping up with the roads, etc. She asked if they could have a report on our equipment needs so we can plan at budget time.
Public Recognition – None
New Business
- Motion by Gillett to approve the agenda as written, second by Seffinga,
Carried 5-0.
- Anderson-MSA present a change order for with the changes and totals
on for a signature from Gillett to make these official, nothing new
was added. Gillett thanked Teresa Anderson for helping us keep the cost of the electrical service at the WWTP on track, Xcel wanted to increase the cost of the electrical service by approximately $25,000 they said they would honor the $5,000 cost.
- Bills submitted for payment from MSA for construction overview for $4885.68, motion by Small, Seffinga, carried 5-0. Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to approve pay request #8 for $21,548.00 from Staab
Construction, carried 5-0. Pay request from Cedar Corporation for the Main Street Improvement project $14,121.10, motion by Zillmer, Seffinga, carried 5-0.
- Kim Shafer from Washburn County Community Service Programs informed the Board about a program where people can do community service in lieu of payment for their fines. She gave the overview of what the individuals can do and what the village’s requirement would be. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to sign the Community Service Agency Agreement/Contract, carried 5-0.
- There were no Operator Licenses at this time.
- The Village has received information from the Local Government Property Insurance Fund that they will be doing a full appraisal of our property at no cost to us. So there is no need for us to go out for bids at this time.
- A property owner who has built a house in the Village is asking for help hooking up to the utilities. MSA will give us a rough estimate of the cost to extend the services.
- The next Village Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. with a motion by Seffinga, second by Small, carried 5-0.
Old Business – None
Committee reports
BFCESD – District is still looking at property in the village to build a new emergency services building. Village would like the District to apply for grants to see what is out there before continuing with this project.
Ordinance/Zoning meeting was cancelled for tomorrow will re-schedule for a later date.
Park Committee will be setting up a meeting in the next week or so.
Trustee Comments – Zillmer had a letter she had sent representing herself as a Trustee but not representing the Board relating to Senate Bill 632. She had copies of the letter for the Board to read.
Future agenda items as stated in the minutes.
Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve the new bills, payroll and acceptance of the treasurer’s report, carried 5-0.
Correspondence – a note was read from Jim & Vicki Frish thanking Bob and Tucker for the good job they have been doing keeping the streets plowed and sanded.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the March meeting at 7:15 p.m., carried 5-0.
Approved as written – April 1, 2014
Vicki Busick – Village Clerk-Treasurer
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