Regular Board Meeting – August 2016 – Minutes

The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly Board Meeting on Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall. Roll Call: Seffinga, VanGilder, Depoister, Small and Hurckman – Present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Police Report – Chief not present; no report.

Maintenance Report – Tucker Fee reported they are continuing to cut grass along the ditch lines.  Working on repairing skate park so it can be reopened.  Hurckman informed him that a rock was thrown up and broke window at restaurant.  Dan and Ron continue to keep Village groomed and looking nice.

Public Comment – Becky Darkow stated that she is not opposed to ATV traffic and welcomes future growth for the Village.

Linda Zillmer stated the ATV topic should not be addressed until New Business.

Linda Zillmer addressed garbage/trash at dam/boat landing site; Hurckman stated that the Village is working on a solution.

Bob Robutka asked about drains/ditches not working right; had pictures.  Tucker said a skid steer is coming to clean ditches.

New Business

  1. Motion to approve the agenda by Depoister, second by Seffinga, carried 5-0.
  2. Cyril Socha addressed the board regarding opening Hinman Drive to ATV use. He has suggested speed limits.  Addressed noise nuisance, operator safety, and a petition signed by 45 people supporting opening the route.  Ron Masek supplied a petition signed by 29 people against opening the route; does not include Doolittle camper signatures (17 persons – not residents).  There were two people who signed both petitions.

There were many people from the community present to voice their opinions.  Following are comments:

  • Residential neighborhood; don’t want the noise or to see them.
  • Doolittle Park would benefit from more campers if they could use their ATV’s.
  • Doolittle Park does not allow ATV use.
  • There is no business on Hinman that would benefit (Doolittle not business).
  • Concern about the hills, blind curves, possible DUI drivers.
  • All persons must observe laws, regardless of license status.
  • Long Lake road open to ATV, policed by residents and have not had any issues.
  • Traffic lines are obscured on Hinman; need to redefine lanes.
  • Can’t leave windows open due to dust/dirt.
  • ATV meant for “off road” experience.
  • Drivers need to drive offensively, regardless of vehicle type.
  • Birchwood needs to be a town of progression.
  • Bikers, walkers, skate boarders, all use the road. Just be offensive.
  • ATV route in front of home for years, no problems with safety ever.
  • Talk about other roads being used that are not approved for ATV.
  • Many other highway/roads within Washburn County are open to ATV use.
  • ATV routes are well signed.
  • Consider using other property owned by Village for parking; cannot because it is a buffer zone for noise.

Board Trustees to speak to ATV use.

  • Depoister does not have issue with ATV use; the route is open in front of his home and has never caused an issue.
  • Small considers Hinman a narrow road.
  • VanGilder considers both sides; does not support ATV use in Doolittle.
  • Seffinga needs more time to consider this.
  • Hurckman does not support ATV use in the park. Ed’s Pitstop has parking for trailers and is open to Tuscobia Trail.  Hinman is narrow and curvy.

Hurckman closes comments section.

Motion by Seffinga, second by Depoister to table the discussion.  Carried 5-0.

  1. Teresa Anderson, MSA, presented the pay request from Pember. Main St. Project is essentially complete; waiting for Monarch completion.  Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to approve $17,588 payment to Pember.  Carried 5-0.
  2. Teresa Anderson, MSA presented a preliminary estimated cost for a water loop by LaPoint Drive, does not include any sewer lines. This is a very preliminary estimate that needs tests/surveys completed.  Other suggestions for water/sewer need to addressed.  Teresa asks for copy of the Well Head protection plan and Village ordinance.

Committee Reports – none

Correspondence – none


Motion by Depoister, second by Small to approve minutes, new bills, payroll and acceptance of the treasurer’s report, carried 5-0.

Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting, carried 5-0.

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