Regular Board Meeting Minutes – April 2014
The Village of Birchwood Trustee held the monthly Board Meeting at the Birchwood Village Hall, Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Gillett. Roll call: Gillett, Seffinga, Hayes, Zillmer present. Absent: Small. Also present: Maintenance – Fee, Clerk-Treasurer Busick, Dave Rasmussen-MSA, Gwen Hilligoss and Betsey Acrey.
PUBLIC RECOGNITION – Hilligoss asked if the village would check the pot holes on Park Street where the construction site it. Acrey was concerned that the village will not be able to afford a police officer especially if Edgewater pulls out of their contract. She would like the village to look at using the County and State for a while and see how that works out. She feels the community should have a say if they want a village officer or not. Zillmer said she has documentation that will show the response times, and the need.
Derick Bacha from SEH was here to briefly discuss the concerns the village had regarding the street project on Euclid Avenue/Co RD D. The village was asking when they do the project being they will be lowering the road could we pay for some insulation and have the construction people place it in the trench. Bacha didn’t see a problem and when they open bids tomorrow will ask if that can be done.
- Motion by Hayes, second by Gillett to approve as set. Zillmer wanted to clarify item
#7 isn’t about grant paper work, but more about needing bylaws for the district.
- Motion by Gillette, second by Seffinga to approve payment to Cedar Corp for
$15,374.77, carried 4-0. Project is 60% completed of the design
Motion by Seffinga, second by Gillette to approve pay request to Staab Construction for $20,900, carried 4-0. Project is 36.5% completed.
- Discussion on amendment of the WWTP contract. Rasmussen asked the board to consider approving 1. An increase of $9,800 for 100 hours of extra time to verify information on a discrepancy with the low bidder, the DNR fine would have been $250,000. Asking for an additional $17,200 for administering the four funding sources, most communities are not lucky enough to receive so much funding. 3. Shift $20,900 from RPR to Construction Administration, no additional funds requested. Motion by Morris, second by Hayes to adopt the amendment request, carried 3-1 with Zillmer opposing #2 and #3 she would have liked more information.
- Motion by Hayes, second by Seffinga to approve change order #2 for $6,039 for a couple more hatches for the MBBR to make it easier to clean, carried 4-0.
- There were no operator licenses.
- Discussion on utility extension on Morey Street. Motion by Zillmer to have Rasmussen provide a new estimate on the new route for next month’s meeting, second by Gillett, carried 4-0.
- Discussion on procedure for grants for the District, they must have by-laws written before going out for grants, when USDA personnel were here a year or so ago that is what they told us. Motion by Zillmer, second by Hayes to have Zillmer bring copies of by-laws she has for the village to review at a later date, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Gillette to accept the resignation of Officer Ben Kornbroke, carried 4-0.
- Discussion on Resolution #156-13 referring to the Chemical Treatment of lake Chetac. Motion by Zillmer to reaffirm our resolution, then she withdrew the motion,
Gillette asked her to write a new condensed resolution for the Board to review, Motion by Zillmer, second by Hayes to have Zillmer write a new resolution for next month review, carried 3-1 with Gillett opposing.
- Clerk had a list of charges for all the water freeze ups and cost of the repairs and
wanted to know how to handle these. The Village did everything they were supposed
to do as far as warning people to run the trickle. Motion by Zillmer, second by Hayes
to send the bills back to Wiersgalla and have them re-bill the home owners as each
home owner was told there would be a cost, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by Gillette to allow Zillmer to attend the Leagues Lawyer
Convention, she will not be charging lodging just mileage and conference fees, carried
- Zillmer asked if we could again submit an application for the Connect Community
Project, cost is $200, motion by Zillmer, second by Seffinga, carried 4-0.
- Busick had asked the Board to consider borrowing money to make needed electrical
Repairs at Doolittle Park. She will consult with Dan Thole and see what our
obligations are and if we can take on any more debt.
Old Business = None
Committee Reports
BFCESD – Zillmer will be gone and would like another Board Member to fill in.
POLICE COMMITTEE – is meeting on April 21st to look at applications for Chief of Police,
Applications need to be in by the 18th. Motion by Zillmer, second by Gillett to send a letter to the Police Committee with a copy of the job description, carried 4-0.
Motion by Gillett, second by Zillmer to approve minutes, new bills and payroll, carried 4-0. There was not a Treasurer’s Reports as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer was sick and couldn’t get it finished in time for the meeting.
Motion by Seffinga, second by Gillett to adjourn the April meeting of the Village Board, at 8:50 p.m., carried 4-0.
Approved as written – May 6, 2014
Vicki Busick – Village Clerk-Treasurer
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