Plan Commission (Zoning) Meeting 4/20/2021 6:30 p.m.

The Plan Commission (Zoning) Meeting of the Village of Birchwood

will be held on Tuesday, April 20st, 2021, at 6:30 pm

at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817


Zoom (optional):


Meeting ID: 950 1796 2340 Passcode: 363485


AGENDA (Masks Required)

Chairperson to call meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call by Clerk (J. Depoister, M. Manning, B. Milligan, C. Barkley, D. Vangilder)

Public Notice: Posted at the Birchwood Post Office, Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery and Village Website.

Citizen Comments (Limit 3 minutes per person)



Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. Current agenda
  2. Driveway Permit
    1. CTC Telecom Inc
      1. 320 N Main Street
    2. Land Use
      1. Greg Sterner
        1. 502 Wise Road
      2. Adjournment


Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.