October 2017 Final Board Meeting Minutes
The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly Board Meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall. The meeting was called to order by Village President, Virginia Hurckman. Roll Call: Depoister, Hurckman, Seffinga, VanGilder, Small – Present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Police Report – Chief of Police Adam Brunclik provided handouts with the police activity log and included a map of places he has been. He has been keeping busy with a burglary at the American Legion, fraud cases, worthless checks, and his normal duties.
Maintenance Report – Tucker Fee reporting that they have been very busy. Recently read the quarterly water readings with a few issues; a couple meters needed to be replaced. There has been a lot of busy work with the well/tower communications. Doolittle Park is now shut down for the season and we are working to get the remaining campers moved off site. All other parks have been shut down as well. Ron Strand is starting a ditch project this week and will mow once more this season.
Public Comment – Mike VanGilder, Brad Hentschel, and Jana Nyhagen from SEH, Inc. were present to inform the Village of their interest in working with us on future projects we may have in store; they provided the Board members with informational handouts regarding their company. Linda Zilmer inquired if any Board Member was going to attend the upcoming meeting being held on October 17, 2017 in Shell Lake to vote on the Special Assessment District; requests the Board consider reaching out to Sawyer County about protecting our well-head regarding an application to rezone land from agriculture to commercial that was originally approved, but has since been overturned.
New Business
- Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve agenda as stated, carried 5-0.
- Motion by VanGilder, second by Depoister to approve the minutes from September 12, 2017 board meeting as-is, carried 5-0.
- Resolution #183-17 tabled until November 2017 Board Meeting.
- Projects for funding lists 2018 tabled until October 19, 2017 Budget Meeting.
- Budget meeting set for Thursday October 19, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Village Hall.
Motion by Seffinga, second by Depoister to approve new bills, with the changes to the memo lines on check numbers 16747 & CCSEPT17, carried 5-0.
Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to approve payroll, and acceptance of the treasurer’s report, carried 5-0.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting, carried 5-0.
Submitted by Chelsea Tompkins, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
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