October – 2015 Minutes

The Village of Birchwood Board members held the monthly Board meeting at the Birchwood Village Hall, October 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.  The meeting was called to order, pledge of allegiance was recited, roll call, present:  Seffinga, VanGilder, Zillmer, Small and Hurckman.  Also present; Officer Brunclik, Maintenance-Beffa, Clerk-Treasurer Busick, Morris Gillett, Betsey Acrey, Gwen Hilligoss, Lisa Longacre, Missy and Nate Wittmer and a representative from Monarch.

Police Report – Officer Brunclik didn’t have his spread sheet available will put in Board Members box when completed.  He has been busy with school starting and various things happening around school. He had a death investigation, will be working with Washburn County on their Drug Take Back program.  Our Medication drop off box is being use nicely.

Maintenance – Beffa said the parks, Doolittle are all closed up for the season.  They read meters this month and will be flushing hydrants in the next couple weeks.

Public Recognition – Morris Gillett wanted to update the board on the contamination at the Fire Protection Pump where they removed the diesel tank.  The last sample was clean and Metco will be filing the paper work for the state.  He suggested someone keep following the process.  Betsey Acrey wanted the Board attention on the high cost of health insurance and the amount of employees it covers.

New Business

  1. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve the agenda with a change to #6, to

say payment should be for Staab not Pember, carried 5-0.

  1. Blacktop bids – only one bid came in and it was from Monarch. The bid was for

pulverizing and blacktopping Vance, Main and Slocum streets, with the total bid,

$49,624.42.  Motion by Hurckman to approve, second by Seffinga, roll call:  Seffinga-

yes, VanGilder-yes, Zillmer-yes, Small-yes and Hurckman-yes, carried 5-0.

  1. Crack Seal bid. Only bid received was from Fahrner to rout out cracks, blow out and

clean cracks with compressed air and heat lance.  Seal cracks with a rubberized asphalt

crack sealant for approximately 6 blocks.  Motion to approve by Small and second by

VanGilder, carried 5-0.

  1. Pember was asking for a change order to extend the time to finish work on the

the light poles until December 15th because the light poles are on back order, motion by

Zillmer, second by Seffinga, carried 5-0.  There is no money changes.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to approve extending the sidewalk from

Park to Balsam using CDBG funding for $13,853.40, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Staab to release the final $3,000 we held for retainage for the WWTF.

The facility been completed and warranties are in place, except for the MBBR because

the Media was faulty and warranty on that will September, 2015, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to approve change order #5 to change the

Completion date to August 21, 2015, carried 5-0.

  1. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve a letter to Staab for final completion

of the WWTF improvements project satisfied the requirements for final completion of the

contract on August 21, 2015, carried 5-0.

  1. Betsey Acrey and Gwen Hilligoss asked the Board to conduct a full audit of the utility

Department, Board will consider request and look into how to go about this at a policy

Meeting at a later date.

  1. Clerk-Treasurer Busick asked if she would need to use temporary help what would the

Pay be.  Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to pay $12.00 for someone who has

Experience, carried 5-0.

Committee Reports

BFCESD – has completed their budget but we have not received any information.

Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to approve the new bills, payroll and minutes with a correction to the Joint Review Board Minutes Brett Gerber is from WITC not Spooner School, carried, 5-0.

There was not a treasurer report.

Correspondence – Hurckman read a letter from the Municipal Treasurers Association commending

Clerk-Treasurer Busick for her 3rd recertification.

Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Note the next Board meeting will be held on November 11th.

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