October 13, 2020 Board of Trustee Minutes – Approved

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 immediately following the Public Hearings that were held at 5:00 pm


Birchwood School Commons, 300 Wilson Ave, Birchwood, WI 54817

Village Board Members: J. Depoister, R. VanGilder, N. Seffinga, M. Manning, and S. Small


Village President call meeting to order – Meeting will be recorded 

Pledge of Allegiance 

Roll call by Clerk: Present: J. Depoister, R. VanGilder, M. Manning, and S. Small   Absent: N. Seffinga

Also Present: J Mason, A Holman, D Nelson, L Zillmer, S Dulian, E. Langosch, B. Gordon, B. and L. Longacre, D. Marcon, C. Thompson, T. Niccum, K. Cupp, R. Strand, R. Jostad, R. Franklin, M, Novinsky, J Snyder

Verification of Public Notice: Posted at the Birchwood Post Office, Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery and posted on the Village Website.

Police Report: None

Public Works: Ron reported he has about a day left to cut ditch. He’ll be cutting the grass one more time. The storm sewers and culverts will be checked before winter. Doolittle Park is shut down- we’ll be shutting the water off. The dock is down for repairs. The sand has been pulled back to the beach for winter. We haven’t received the valve back for sewer yet. Tucker will be flushing hydrants this week. The lift pumps need to be serviced and the lift station needs to be pumped. The clipper went down with tranny problems-they’ve been repaired and are ready for spring. The maintenance will be done on the plow truck and loader to get them ready for winter. We’re waiting on a new light for the park. Tucker replaced the flag at the Village Hall. We are ordering new flags.

Committee Reports: 

     Parks: Small gave the report of their meeting at Doolittle. Ron will meet with the DNR regarding the erosion problem. It may be necessary to do a “no wake” zone. Dan said we need to keep an eye on the shoreline loss at the beach.  The Chamber would like to work with us to do some improvements to Blue Gill park such as the event sign.

     Ordinance: None

     Public Safety: Meeting was held regarding resolution for trick or treating hours. This will be discussed in item #14. 

     BFCESD: There were corrections made to the by-laws. They would like a vote to approve them. They are moving forward on the building. The money is set aside, and the plan is to make a partial payment in the spring. 

   Citizen Comments – Limit 3 minutes per person

           L. Zillmer expressed concern over several agenda items. She is not in support of a donation to the Humane Society. She would like the utility/garbage rates posted. She would like the Fee schedule posted as well. She voiced concern over the Public Safety meeting that was held. Linda expressed concern over trick or treating due to a comment that was made at the BFCESD about Birchwood being a Covid hot spot. Linda stated she thought something should indicate to only go to homes with lights on. She also expressed concern over the BFCESD by-laws.



  1. We received 3 applications for the position of Village Trustee. This will be discussed at the October 15,2020 Special Meeting.
  2. We received correspondence from a Village resident regarding the high cost of the Village Clean-up prices vs. the Township prices. This will be discussed during item #8.

Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. Current agenda: 
    1. Original agenda item #16 regarding the Trustee vacancy was accidentally removed when Ashley did agenda revisions. This will be added to the October 15th Special Meeting agenda. Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to approve. Motion carried 4-0.
  2. Meeting Minutes Approval
    1. September 8th, 2020 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes. Motion by Manning, second by Depoister to approve. Motion carried 4-0.
    2. September 17, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes. Motion by VanGilder, second by Manning to approve. Motion carried 4-0.
    3. September 17, 2020 Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes. Motion by Small, second by Depoister to approve. Motion carried 4-0.
    4. September 29, 2020 Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes. Motion by Manning, second by Small to approve. Motion carried 4-0.
  3. Public Hearing on RV Park-501 Wise Rd
    1. Zoning-Per the Plan Commissions recommendation and results of the Public Hearing- Motion by Small, second by Manning to approve the request of the Gene M Thompson Trust to change the zoning from Residential to C1-Commercial at 501 Wise Rd.. Motion carried 4-0.
    2. Conditional Use-Per the Plan Commissions recommendation and results of the Public Hearing –  Motion by VanGilder, second by Depoister to approve the request from Gene M Thompson to change the Mobile Home Park at 501 Wise Rd. to an RV Campground using the same rules and regulations as Birch Lake RV. Motion carried 4-0. If changes need to be made, this can be brought to the Board in the future. 
  4. Rolf Jostad
    1. Update on Timber Bay’s facility and recreational area. This is a great asset to the Community. 
  5. Driveway Permit
    1. Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to approve the driveway permit application at 907 E Hwy 48 for Timber Bay. Motion carried 4-0. 
  6. Lane Tank and KLM representatives tank inspection.
    1. After listening to/reading the proposals-Motion by VanGilder, second by Depoister to approve KLM for the tank inspection. Motion carried 4-0.
  7. Mosaic Technologies-Jenifer Mason
    1. Telecommuter and Broadband Forward-Community Certifications presentation. Tabled until next month. 
  1. Republic Services Representative:
    1. Discussion regarding refuse cart audit and possible amendment to contract. Clean-up, business services, and total usage by Village residents were discussed. New procedures for the Village and Republic will be put into place to make sure the audit stays correct. A new drop off place for Holly Hill residents will be determined to make pick up accessible for Republic. No motion.
  2. Washburn County Area Humane Society
    1. Motion by John, second by Rocky to deny the donation request because of budget concerns. Motion carried 4-0
  3. Utility Deferred Payment Agreement
    1. The Board approved the new Utility Deferred Payment Agreement form with additional verbiage stating that all deferred payment agreements must be paid in full before another agreement can be started. All in agreement. 
  4. Sewer Plant
    1. Discussion regarding alternate types of fence and/or gate and possible use of a trail cam. Ron will get 2 additional quotes for a swing arm type gate. No motion- tabled until next month.
  5. Bonds and Insurance-Tabled until next month to get quotes from new insurance agent.
    1. Clerk and Deputy Clerk bond requirements.
    2. Travelers Crime Policy application (New Company)
  6. Birchwood Fishing Pier
    1. DNR SFR Fishing Pier Grant-Motion by Depoister, second by Manning to deny applying for the grant and to work with school shop class instead. Motion carried 4-0
  7. Trick-or Treating
    1. Motion by Small, second by Depoister to adopt Resolution 204-20 after amending the time to 3:30 pm – 7 pm. Motion carried 4-0.
  8. Fee Schedule
    1. Motion by John, second by Small to adopt Resolution 205-20 for the revised Fee Schedule. Motion carried 4-0
  9. Tennis Court
    1. Discussion regarding correspondence from Griff about the tennis court condition. No action taken. Tabled until spring.
  10. Skating Rink
    1. Discussion regarding opening for Winter 2020. The rink will remain closed this year due to Covid. 
  11. BFCESD
    1. Motion by Small, second by Manning to accept the by-laws with the new changes and allow the Village President to sign the by-laws. Motion carried 4-0.
  12. Financials
    1. Motion by VanGilder, second by Manning to approve bills, payroll and Treasurer’s Reports for August 2020 and September 2020. Motion carried 4-0.
  13. Closed Session-None
    1. Pursuant to 19.85(1) © and 19.85 (1)(b) WI statues which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data.
  14. Open Session-None (No closed session)
    1. Matters discussed in closed session.
  15. Motion by VanGilder, second by Manning to adjourn. Motion carried 4-0.

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