Noxious Weeds – Public Notice




Wis. Stats. § 66.0407


Sec. 10-46. – Notice          

By state law every person is required to destroy all noxious weeds on lands in the village which he owns, occupies or controls.


Sec. 10-47 – Abatement; expense.       

If the owner or occupant shall neglect to destroy any weeds as required by the notice provided for in section 10-46, then the weed commissioner of the village shall give five days’ written notice by mail to the owner or occupant of any lands upon which the weeds shall be growing to the effect that the said weed commissioner, after the expiration of the five-day period, will proceed to destroy or cause to be destroyed all such weeds growing upon said lands and that the cost thereof will be assessed as a tax upon the lands upon which such weeds are located under the provisions of Wis. Stats. § 66.0407. In case the owner or occupant shall further neglect to comply within such five-day notice, the weed commissioner shall destroy such weeds or cause them to be destroyed in the manner deemed to be the most economical method and the expense thereof, including the cost of billing and other necessary administrative expenses, shall be charged against such lots and be collected as a special tax thereon.


Sec. 10-48. – Abatement prior to bloom.

As provided for in Wis. Stats. § 66.0407, the village shall require that all noxious weeds shall be destroyed prior to the time in which such plants would mature to the bloom or flower state. The growth of noxious weeds in excess of eight inches in height from the ground surface shall be prohibited within the village corporate limits. The term “noxious weeds” shall include any weed, grass or similar plant growth which, if allowed to pollinate, would cause or produce hayfever in human beings or would cause a skin rash through contact with the skin.


Noxious weeds, as defined in this section and mentioned in sections 10-110 through 10-112.

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