November 2015 – Agenda


The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees will be held on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N. Main Street, Birchwood, WI  54817


Call Meeting to Order – Roll call – Pledge of Allegiance

Police Report – Maintenance Dept. Report

Public Recognition (Limit 3 minutes per person and there will be no action taken)

New Business

  1. Approve agenda or make changes as needed
  2. Discuss/action on approval of pay requests for Pember and Change Order #2
  3. Discuss/action on report from Wesley Hoem WISCAP on work they have

done on the Utility water loss. New funding year for the program.  Next step

discuss to address the water loss situation and leak detection information.

  1. Discuss/action on Jim Heim, health insurance agent recommendation
  2.  Discuss/action on Resolution #174-15 to approve Fire and Ambulance Contract

with BFCES

  1.  Discuss/action on approval of Operator Licenses
  2.  Discuss/action to replace the Cross Connection Control Ordinance
  3.  Discuss/action on borrowing for our Main Street Project, Doolittle Park and re-

Financing the TIF Loan

  1.  Discuss/action on moving the December Board meeting to the 8th
  2. Report from PSC on water rate increase – in packets and available
  3. Discuss/action on Scope of Service proposal form
  4. Discuss/action on changing property insurance companies


Committee Meetings Reports (if not addressed above)

  1. BFCESD –
  2. Block Grant
  3. Policy Committee
  4. Park Committee report
  5. Ordinance/zoning Committee report
  6. Street Committee
  7. Planning Commission

Approval of Minutes, New Bills, Payroll and acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report.




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Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.