May 19, 2020 Board of Trustee Minutes – Approved
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees held on
Tuesday, May 19th, 2020, at 6:00 pm meeting remotely through Zoom due to COVID-19.
(Zoom Meeting ID: 955 2875 6312)
Phone: (312) 626 6799
Village President call meeting to order – meeting will be recorded
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call by Clerk: Depoister, Seffinga, Small, VanGilder, and Manning-present
Verification of public notice by Clerk: Posted Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery, Post Office, and website.
Police Report: None
Public Works Report by Ron: Doolittle is open, and the beach is done. Streets are swept. Cold mix is being used for patching. 1st mowing is done. Maintenance and repairs being done on tractor. Tire issues will be looked at to see if under warranty. Tractor is having shifting issues. Sweeper hydraulic leak has been fixed and maintenance done. 1 water leak found. Rural Water is coming back in June to help locate any additional leaks. Shop roof has been replaced and interior panels repaired.
Committee Reports:
- Parks: Small is working on minutes from March meeting. ATV signs are up on Hinman.
- BFCESD: Waiting for by-laws to be approved by attorney. They will then be sent to municipalities to approve.
- Building: Working on plans and getting bid process ready. Due to Covid-19 it’s not a good time to try to raise funds. All funds need to be raised before starting. Hoping February looks better.
- Streets: Joint meeting with Birchwood School Building Committee in- regards to Balsam Ave water issues. We will work together to solve this problem.
Citizen Comments (Limit 3 minutes per person and there will be no action taken)
- L. Zillmer: Thanked the Board for opening the meeting up via Zoom and for working to resolve the Balsam Ave water issue. Would like an engineer to look at Balsam Ave issues thoroughly before making any repair suggestions/recommendations. Public comment/concern regarding the Village following Stay at Home order at Doolittle. Public comment/concern regarding Village holding costs. Concerns regarding Covid-19 precautions and procedures taken on election day. Small addressed these concerns and assured community safety was a top priority.
Correspondence: Anonymous concerns regarding new restaurant. State regulations and licensing will need to be followed and are being followed as far as the Board knows.
Discusson/Action Items:
- Motion by Small 2nd by Seffinga to approve current agenda and to table March Meeting Minutes and April Board of Review minutes until June Meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
- Motion by Small 2nd by Seffinga to approve February 11th, 2020 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes. Motion carried 5-0.
- Motion by Small, 2nd by Seffinga to open Doolittle for camping. Showers, beach, and pavilion will remain closed. Handout from Washburn Co. Health department will be given to each camper regarding safe practices. We will revisit additional openings in June. Motion carried 5-0.
- Discussion on Balsam Ave repairs with School Building Committee. Follow up meeting set-up.
- Motion by Small 2nd by Manning to approve certified survey map for LLJ Properties. Motion carried 5-0.
- Motion by Small 2nd by Depoister to approve certified survey map for Rolf Jostad and Tom Knapmiller. Motion carried 5-0.
- Motion by Small 2nd by Manning to table driveway permit for 808 N Maple Terrace Dr until June meeting to determine if this is feasible. Motion carried 5-0.
- Motion by Small 2nd by VanGilder to adopt COVID-19 Disaster Proclamation #199-20 at the Village Board Meeting May 19th,2020. Carried 5-0. Roll call: Depoister, Seffinga, Small, VanGilder, and Manning all in favor. Carried 5-0
- Motion by Seffinga, 2nd by Small to adopt the Washburn County All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update (Resolution #198-20). Carried 5-0. Roll Call: Depoister, Seffinga, Small, VanGilder, and Manning all in favor. Carried 5-0.
- Motion by VanGilder 2nd by Small to refund seasonal refuse for (Jay Hatcher and Jeff Elms) only if we get refunded by Republic. Going forward Seasonal form needs to be completed to notify Village of Seasonal residency. Carried 5-0.
- Motion by VanGilder, 2nd by Small to approve the two 2020 refund requests and update Doolittle Park Agreement refund policy to state cancellations after April 15th -deposits are non-refundable. Carried 5-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, 2nd by Small to waive utility late fees this quarter due to Covid-19. Utility payment arrangement will be revisited at the June meeting. Carried 5-0.
- Motion by Small, 2nd by Depoister to move agenda item 22(pond testing) up to item 13. Carried 5-0. Motion by Small 2nd by Seffinga to approve storm sediment pond testing with SEH in the amount of $2500.00. Carried 5-0
- Motion by Depoister 2nd by Small to leave alcohol beverage licensing fees at the current rate. Carried 5-0
- Motion by Seffinga, 2nd by Small to take no action on the T.M. Title Service special assessment completion error. This is a personal issue, not a Village issue. Carried 5-0
- Discussion/action on hiring new ball field maintenance worker tabled until next month.
- Discussion /action on DJ contract for Doolittle Beach Bash tabled until next month.
- Motion by Manning 2nd by Depoister to approve purchase of new computer(s) for Village operations. Cost to be kept at $1960 or lower. Carried 5-0
- Motion by Small, 2nd by VanGilder to approve operator licenses for Jordyn Ford and Emma Hindes. Samantha Hallstrom’s operator license is approved after background check comes back. Carried 5-0
- No action taken on Doolittle Park rates to include sales tax.
- Discuss/action on Ken-Way Services tabled until next month.
- Motion by Small 2nd by VanGilder to approve sharing cost of culvert placement along Park Ave. Carried 5-0
- Motion by Small 2nd by Seffinga to accept President’s recommendations on 2020 Committees. Carried 5-0
- Approval of Bills, Payroll, and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports for the 1st quarter of 2020 tabled until next meeting due to computer issues.
- Motion by Small 2nd by Depoister to go into Closed Session (pursuant to 19.85(1)© and 19.85 (1)(b) WI statues which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data) Roll call: Depoister, Seffinga, Small, VanGilder, and Manning-present
- Motion by Vangilder 2nd by Small to return to Open Session. No action taken on Closed Session.
- Motion to adjourn made by Seffinga 2nd by Small. Carried 5-0
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.