March 2015 – Minutes
The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall. The meeting was called to order and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Roll call: Seffinga, Small, Zillmer and Hayes present. Absent: VanGilder. Also present: Virginia Hurckman, Teresa Anderson-MSA and Dan Thole-Auditor, Clerk-Treasurer Busick, Brunclik and Maintenance Fee.
Police Report – Officer Brunclik reported that the new radio system is in effect and working well. He attended a New Paragon Partners meeting, attended a New Chief and Sheriff’s conference in Madison. He is keeping track of the patrol mileage in Edgewater. And they had the Counter Act Graduation at school last month.
Maintenance Department – Fee told the Board that he had been working with BirchwoodBest Insurance Co at the Fire Protection Pump putting additional security measures in place. Plowing snow as needed. He said the glycerin application at the
MBBR sewer plant is working really good and at a fraction of the cost of chemicals and using molasses. He had switched out four meters and will have a lease two more to go in for testing.
Public Recognition – none
New Business
- Motion by Small, second by Zillmer to approve the agenda as written, carried 4-0.
- Dan Thole presented the water rate increase numbers. He had three options 4%, 3% or
2%. Being the 2% option would not cover the operating expenses they looked at the
other two options. After discussion Zillmer made a motion to apply for the 4% increase
to the PSC, carried 4-0. The other question posed to the Board was do they want to
keep the declining block system, which is higher water users get a break after 50,000
and again after 80,000 gallons we have had three blocks. Motion by Hayes, second by
Seffinga to propose to the PSC a two block program, carried 4-0.
- Teresa Anderson-MSA reported the glycerin application is working very well and we
are able to use the equipment that we have in place saving an estimated cost of
$80,000 per year compared to around $4,000.
- Anderson discussed the contract for Water Mapping on Main Street, motion by Small,
second by Seffinga to approve Water Mapping Contract for $4,100, carried 4-0. The
information will be available to the village as a onetime PDF in Esray and one paper
set of paper maps. There will be no curb stops included.
- Anderson also discussed the Main Street soil boring RFP and Project Scope. She
discussed the need to have a crown put back on the Main Street to help with water
run off, etc. She said they have been working with Cedar Corp on the soil boring report
and doesn’t see a real reason to have an updated one from Chosen Valley for $700.00.
Motion by Zillmer to not pursue Chosen Valley testing service, second by Small, carried
4-0. The Village will be doing a new crown and overlay on Main Street.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve an invoice for $9,825.00 to MSA
for Main Street pavement and construction services, carried 4-0.
- Up-date on the site closure for Fire Protection Pump at BirchwoodBest, arriving a little
later Morris Gillett said they have found a map that shows a pipe they were worried
about hitting to drill another testing well, this will eliminate a major cost. After
two clean samples from the new test site we should be able to close this site. The
project has been PFECA approved so far.
- Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve Resolution #166-15 to authorize
amendments in the 2014 budget, carried 4-0.
- There were not any operator licenses this month.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to approve Resolution #167-15 opposing the
proposed change from Municipal Assessments to County Assessments, carried 4-0.
Old Business – None
Committee Meeting Repots
BFCESD – will be holding a meeting at the Village Hall on Thursday, March 12th
Park Committee will be holding a meeting the 4th week of March
Future Agenda Items – Update on NSP changes re-routing service to BirchwoodBest
**Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve minutes, new bills, payroll and accept
Treasurer’s report, carried 4-0.
**Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting 7:20 p.m. carried 4-0
Vicki Busick – Clerk-Treasurer
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