June 9, 2020 Board of Trustee Minutes – Approved

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees held on 

Tuesday, June 9th,2020, at 6 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N. Main Street, Birchwood, WI  54817.


Village President call meeting to order – meeting will be recorded

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll call by Clerk: VanGilder, Seffinga, Depoister, Manning, and Small – present. 

Verification of public notice by Clerk: Posted Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery, Post Office, and website. 

Police Report: Adam talked about the alcohol/operator licenses. He’s receiving more calls and complaints due to summer activities. Traffic was reduced due to Covid stay at home order. High School graduation went well. Maintenance was done to fix squad AC. Click It or Tick It at the end of the month.

Maintenance Department Report: Tucker reports half of our leak detection is done due to Rural Water. Christiansen property was one of substantial leakage areas. TriCept will give a quote to fix leak on their property at their expense. More leak detection to be done on Thursday with Rural Water. Two valves were paved over on Highway 48, they have been lifted. Parts have been ordered. Met with Lon with the DNR regarding February and March influent levels. It was suggested equipment be fixed with equipment replacement fund. Using Perlicks for chemicals per Lon. Ron has been mowing. Potholes are filled, streets are swept. 

Committee Reports:

    Ordinance: Manning provided minutes. Topics discussed: Suggestion to amend the ordinance to update ATV/UTV map and to include Hinman Drive while notating its provisions. Suggestion to amend ordinance on garage sales. Suggests investing in Municode Software for 2021.

    Streets Utility: Meeting recorded. Discussed Balsam area repair with Birchwood School to determine cost responsibilities. 2016 LRIP grant will be used this year to assist with Village cost on Balsam Ave. Will be putting a stop sign on Loomis due to safety issues and visual concerns Used 2019 rates for sand/salt charges.

Citizen Comments: 

  • L. Zillmer: Concerned ordinance notice was not posted online. Would like to see more details on agendas. Expressed concerns over BFCESD actions. 
  • Small: Complimented election workers. Complimented Adam for providing extra cleaning supplies. County requested that Chief Inspector ask Covid screening questions for all election workers.

Discussion/Action Items:

  1. Minutes were tabled.
  2. Small made a motion to carry agenda. 2nd by Manning. Motion carried 5-0.
  3. Motion by Manning, 2nd by Small to open Village Hall based on Dairy State Bank opening. Neighbor to Neighbor to open normal business hours. All parks open. Doolittle showers remain closed. Carried 5-0.
  4. Motion by Small 2nd by Seffinga to approve Balsam Ave for $15,000.00 our cost and put job out for bid. Carried 5-0.
  5. Motion by Small, 2nd by Depoister to approve Lenbom Consulting services for technical support and remote access. $15.00 per month per computer. Carried 5-0.
  6. Motion by Small 2nd by Depoister to adapt CMAR Annual Report Resolution #199-20. Roll call vote, Small, Seffinga, Manning, Van Gilder, Depoister. Passed by majority.
  7. Motion by Small 2nd by Seffinga to approve Robotka event outside only with outdoor port-a-potty. Carried 5-0.
  8. Action on Cigarette/Tobacco Licenses, and Renewal Alcohol Beverage License for July 2020- June 2021, motion by Small, 2nd by Seffinga, carried 5-0 as follows: Cigarette/Tobacco License: Jason’s Market, Bluegill Bar, Gary’s Grocery, and Ed’s Pit Stop.

Renewal Alcohol Beverage License: Class A Beer for Birchwood Ed’s Pit Stop, Gary’s Grocery, and Jason’s Market; Class B Beer for Café, Bear Tracks Bar & Grill, Bluegill Bar and Paul’s Pizza Den; Class C Beer for Birchwood Café; Class A Liquor for Ed’s Pit Stop, Gary’s Grocery, and Jason’s Market; Class B Liquor for Bear Tracks Bar & Grill, Bluegill Bar, and Paul’s Pizza Den.

Motion by Seffinga 2nd by Manning to approve Operators Licenses for July 2020-June 2021, carried 5-0 as follows. Small sustained vote for her Operators License.  N. Wittmer, K Jefson, M Wittmer, A Cherney, M Jefson, M Springer, S Hallstrom, M Manka, M Small, C Pendleton, G Wilder, A Zimmer, S Rurup, B Boggess, T Stanley, C Rurup, J Garrett, J Ford, C Feller, T Wolf, M Sweeney, H Kasten, M Duhela, M Ford, C Widiker, P Landes, V Schultz, J Olmstead, L Clark, K Lane, G Widiker, L Clarke, M Duhela, G Duhela, C Lapcinski, C Rieper, P Parkos, A Hecker, G Hayes, R Schultz, J Robarge, S Odalen, J Skar, L Parkos, V Miller, W Stoeklen, B Acrey, S Mullen and S Small.

  1. Motion made by Depoister, 2nd by Seffinga to approve two clean up days. July 25th and September 26th. Only certain items will be allowed on each day. Motion carried 5-0.
  2. Motion made by Small, 2nd by Depoister to approve Morfoot request for driveway off of Knapmiller Road. Motion carried 5-0.
  3. Motion made by Small, 2nd by Depoister to amend clean- up date from July 25th to July 18th due to Doolittle Bash. Motion carried 5-0.
  4. Motion made by Small, 2nd by Seffinga to approve booking a DJ for Doolittle Bash. Motion carried 5-0.
  5. Action on ATV Ordinance is being tabled until next month to verify wording of ordinance. 
  6. Discussion on Garage Sale Ordinance.
  7. Motion by Small, 2nd by VanGilder to approve bills, payroll, and accept Treasurer’s Reports for the 1st quarter of 2020. Motion carried 5-0.
  8. Motion by Small, 2nd by Seffinga to adjourn.

Ashley Beffa – Clerk/Treasurer

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