June 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 12th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall. The meeting was called to order by Village President, Virginia Hurckman. Roll Call: Hurckman, VanGilder, Small, Seffinga – Present, Depoister – Absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Police Report – Chief not present.
Maintenance Report – Ron reports that maintenance is caught up with spring/summer clean up. They will begin mowing yards/lots that landowners are not; we will bill for $200/hr. The maintenance department will trim the pines by the Bluegill in fall. Report tall grass situations to Chief Brunclik so that he may send out notices to landowners.
Public Comment – Question raised about whether there would be a garden walk this year; directed to The Chamber.
New Business
- Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve agenda, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder to approve minutes from May 8, Board Meeting, carried 5-0.
- Donie Stoeklen raised questions regarding his utility usage; wants the meter tested (probably in Rice Lake); do not enter the home without resident present (call to set time).
- The Board will uphold Ordinance, regarding RV, trailer, or campers restricted use when parked or stored on residential lot. 28-722 – Recreational vehicles, trailers or campers shall not be used for living or housekeeping purposes when parked or store in a residential lot, or in any location not approved for such use.
- Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to move ahead with the generous offer from a private family foundation, to repair/replace/rebuild the tennis courts and skate park, carried 4-0. Set up Park Committee meeting for Monday, June 18th at 10:00 a.m. Kathy and Vicki will investigate firms that do this type of work prior to the meeting.
- Action on Operators Licenses for July 2018 – June 2019 as follows:
- motion by Small, second by Hurckman, to approve S. Hrdlicka, J. Mireau, P. Rose, A. Salanis, A. Stoeckel, N. Wittmer, M. Wittmer, K. Strohm, carried 4-0.
- motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder, to approve R. Moltzan, S. Small, S. Hayes, carried 3-0, Small abstained.
- motion by Seffinga, second by Small, to approve H. Benjamin, S. Jacobsen, N. LeJeune, E. Peterson, C. Rurup, S. Rurup, D. Schultz, D. Tober, carried 4-0.
- motion by Hurckman, second by Small, to approve C. Widiker, P. Landes, N. Amborn, J. Olmstead, T. Galvin, carried 4-0.
- motion by Hurckman, second by Small, to approve C. Lapinski, G. Widiker, K. Lane, G. Duhela, R. Duhela, V. Schultz, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by Hurckman, to approve M. Borgen, G. Hayes, M. Manka, L. Parkos, P. Parkos, M. Robotka, A. Zimmer, H. Zimmer, R. Schultz, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga, to approve B. Acrey, S. Mullen, S. Small, carried 3-0, Small abstained
- Motion by Small, second by Hurckman, to approve a temp permit for R. Seffinga, N. Seffinga, C. Schnacky, B. Hayes, carried 3-0, Seffinga abstained.
- Motion by Small, second by VanGilder, to approve Cigarette/Tobacco licenses for Jason’s, Gary’s and Ed’s Pitstop, carried 4-0.
- Action on Alcohol Licenses for July 2018 – June 2019 as follows:
- Motion by Small, second by Hurckman, to approve Class B license for Bear Tracks, Bluegill Bar, Paul’s Pizza Den, The Birchwood Café, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Small, second by Seffinga, to approve Class A license for Ed’s Pitstop, Gary’s Grocery, Jason Market, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder, to approve Special Event Permit, Temporary Sign Permit, and Block Party/Street Closing for 2018 Bluegill Festival July 19-23, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga, to approve Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License for Lions Club 2018 Bluegill Festival July 20-22 for Rest Park, carried 4-0.
- Motion by VanGilder, second by Small, to approve Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License for Lions Club 2018 Bluegill Festival July 20-22 for the Ball Diamond, carried 4-0.
- Motion to approve all new bills, payroll and accept the treasurer’s report by Small, second by Seffinga, carried 4-0.
- Motion to convene in closed session by Small, second by Seffinga, carried by Small Yes, Hurckman Yes, Seffinga Yes, and VanGilder Yes.
- Reconvene into open session.
- Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to give Vicki Busick raise to $15/hour, retroactive to 5/8/18.
- Motion by Hurckman, second by Small to follow procedure to raze property at 322 S. Main St., carried 4-0.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder to send letter to property owners at 406 W. Balsam regarding cleanup, requiring them to submit a schedule no later than July 6, 2018.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga, to adjourn the meeting, carried 4-0.
Submitted by Kathy Paquette, Clerk/Treasurer
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.