June 2015 – Minutes
The Village of Birchwood Board Members held a meeting at the Birchwood Village Hall, June 2, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Roll call: Board members, Hurckman, Seffinga, VanGilder, Zillmer, Small, Clerk-
Treasurer Busick, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Murley, Maintenance Fee and Officer Brunclik. Also in attendance Teresa Anderson-MSA, Bob and Lisa Longacre, Lou Fogal, Nate Wittmer
Police Report – Chief of Police Brunclik had information about his service hours/time spent on various project for the Board. He said the Drug Take Back Program was successful. He has received a grant from the New Paradigm Partners for a drug box, but will be a little short for the full payment so he is requesting the remaining money from the Lions Club. The Ticket or Clicket program has ended, he has also put in for a grant from that program. He has sent letters to properties that need to be cleaned up or mowed. Zillmer asked if he could have something worked up for another part-time position as Town of Edgewater had suggested we hire additional help.
Maintenance – Tucker Fee reported the sewer plant is having trouble with the media breaking up. They have been trying to keep up with the mowing and weed eating, Janet Denison will be working around the village hall moving hostas to make it easier to keep up with the weed trimming, so if anyone is available she could use help. There are six electric peds left to finish at Doolittle Park. Need to weed eat around stop signs, etc.
Public Recognition – Nate Wittmer asked if he should move his fence back with the new sidewalks being put in. Lou Fogal asked about all the junk in people’s yards and dogs running at large. Officer Brunclik said he has sent notices to property owners and asked that she contact him when there is a dog problem.
New Business
- Motion by Zillmer to move #11 to follow #9, second by Seffinga, carried 5-0. Item #5
will be removed per request from the person asking for it to be on the agenda
- Motion by Seffinga to make a motion to set the tax equivalent at zero for the year 2015
and succeeding years for the water utility until changed by village board action, second
by Hurckman, carried 5-0.
- Bids were opened for the Main Street Reconstruction Project #0052506 on May 28th.
Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to award the bid to Pembler for $254,868.00 and
the alternate bid for $9,193.60, roll call: Seffinga-yes, VanGilder-yes, Zillmer-yes, Small
yes and Hurckman-yes, carried 5-0.
- Discuss on hiring additional help for mowing, painting, weed eating, etc. Motion by
Hurckman, second by Seffinga to hire Dan Greife on an as needed basis up to 18
additional hours per week to help with the mowing, painting through Labor Day, carried
5-0. Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to allow Missy Murley to work an additional
4 hours per week on an as needed bases to also mow and paint at her normal pay rate,
carried 5-0.
- Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to approve Liquor Licenses applications for:
Ed’s Pit Stop, Jason Market, Bear Tracks, Bluegill Bar, Paul’s Pizza Den, Birchwood
Café, Shannon’s Trailside, The Hungry Minnow, Gary Grocery’s, Carried 5-0.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by VanGilder to approve Operator Licenses for: Vance Olson,
Nate Wittmer, Jessica Mireau, Melissa Wittmer, Michelle Davies, Teresa
Westcott, Susan VanGilder, Shelly O’Brien, Michele Marcinske, Casey Rurup, Heleyna
Benjamin, Sonny Hayes, Doreen March, Gurjit Duhela, Susan Jostad, Stacey Small,
Gloria Widiker, Gweneth Hilligoss, Sarah Mullen, Betsey Acrey, Rachelle Riedelsperger,
David Carrion, Pam Landes, Audrey Zimmer, Sabrina Bressette, Taylor Schultz,
Shannon Gindt, Melissa Robotka, Ronda Schultz, Taylor Carr, Jackie Kendzior, Liza
Parkos, Mark Calhoun, Hannah Zimmer, Heidi Hayes, Katherine Depoister, Kim Lane,
Leslie Clark, Tonia Chafer, Claudia Lapcinski, Karissa Davis, Carrie Schnacky, Vickie
Wilder, carried 4-1 Small abstained.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to approve Cigarette Licenses for Ed’s Pit Stop,
Jason Market and Gary’s Grocery, carried 5-0.
- Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to approved Street Use Permit for the Special
Projects Committee of the Lions Club on July 4th and July 5th, carried 5-0. Motion by
Small, second by Hurckman to approve Street Use Permit for the Lions Club July 17th –
18th , carried 5-0.
request the Porta Potties be moved to the Greener’s Side of the street instead of the
bank to elevate a potential traffic concern. Also better signage for the detours.
- Motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder to use the exception to the ordinance to
Waive the open container ordinance, carried 4-1 Zillmer opposing.
- Motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga to approve the picnic license for the Special
Projects Committee of the Lions Club for July 4th and 5th, for Main Street, carried 4-1,
carried Zillmer opposing. Motion by Hurckman second by Small to approve the picnic
license for the Lions Club for July 17th, 18th and 19th for Main Street, carried 4-1 Zillmer
opposing. Motion by Small, second by Hurckman to approve Picnic License for the Base
Ball Field for the Lions Club July 17th, 18th and 19th, carried 4-1, Zillmer opposing.
- Discussion on electrical fees at Doolittle Park. Motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder
to charge $5.00 per day for daily and weekly campers. Monthly campers will pay actual
costs and Seasonal campers will pay actual cost, if they use less than $20.00 they will
be assessed the $20 fee for the month, carried 5-0. This will be looked at again next
- A Seasonal Camper asked for compensation of $250 for the three weeks they say they
could not get in their camp site. Motion by Hurckman, second by Small to not
reimburse the money as there were other sites open that they could have set up at,
carried 4-1 Zillmer, opposing.
- TIF Loan will be on next month’s agenda when there is more information available.
Committee Reports
BFCESD – looking at updating equipment and pursuing a new building. Village should
decide what we would consider doing with this building. Should maybe have a special meeting to see the needs and wants of the district.
Ordinance Committee will be setting a date for a meeting this month.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve minutes, new bills, payroll and accept the Treasurer’s Report, carried 5-0.
Correspondence – Zillmer will respond to the Herbicide application on Big Chetac Lake.
President Hurckman will be presenting a token of appreciation for the years of service for a long time resident Vicky Matts who has worked at the Café for 35 years on June 16th.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the June Meeting at 8:15
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