July 2015 – Minutes
Village of Birchwood Board Members held a meeting at the Birchwood Village Hall, July 7, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order, pledge of allegiance was recited, roll call present: Seffinga, VanGilder, Zillmer, Small and Hurckman. Also present: Maintenance Dept. Fee, Chief of Police Brunclik, Clerk-Treasurer Busick, MSA-Anderson and Rasmussen, Art Johnson, Daniel Wichser, C.J. Wichser, Bob Robotka and Jeff Robotka.
Police Report – Brunclik reported on the training he has received in the last few weeks, has completed the liquor license inspections, removed a Pit Bull from a residence, and has
received the Drug Collection Unit that will be placed at the Village Hall, information will be going out to area residences informing of the Med Box.
Maintenance Department – Fee said they had the annual inspection from the State at Doolittle Park and got a great report. He said they would like to remove the bushes that appear to be dead by the “paw”. The electrical work completed, S & K Cable had just a couple sites to finish up. Fee was asked to put hand railing on the steps to the rest room at Doolittle.
- Motion by VanGilder, second by Hurckman to approve the agenda as written, 5-0.
- Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to approve the contract to Pember Construction
for $626,176.60 for the Main Street Enhancement & Beautification Project, roll call:
Seffinga-yes, VanGilder-yes, Zillmer-yes, Small-yes and Hurckman-yes, 5-0 carried.
- MSA Teresa Anderson updated the Board on finishing projects at the WWTP. The
issue with the media is a flaw in the little disks, Kroger will be replacing them in tank
two and three, they will pay all costs including consulting fees. Anderson will contact
the DNR so they are aware of possible fluctuations in our reports. The change order
work is completed. MSA is still working on the mapping project.
- TIF #2 is not cash flowing, we have until October to request it be turned over to a
distressed TIF which would extend the life of the TIF for an additional 10 years. After
discussion on a couple things in the contract with MSA, it was decided to get another
proposal and have it ready for a vote in August. Motion by Hurckman, second by
Seffinga to table MSA Contract and address at the August meeting, carried 5-0.
Zillmer is asking the Board to contact Ehlers for a proposal to look at our financial
- Discussion on the music speakers on Main Street. They will be put on the buildings
instead of putting them on the new light poles. This will be addressed at the Pre-
Construction meeting on July 14th.
- A request for a building permit for a garage was referred to the Board of Appeals Board.
- The Board addressed Fire Hall repair concerns. Jeff said if they could at least get a
couple dehumidifiers and or a couple ceiling fans would help the moisture problem.
Maintenance will call WilKill to take care of the bee problem. Motion by Hurckman to
purchase two dehumidifiers and price out air handling exchanger and ceiling fans,
second by Zillmer, carried 5-0. Jeff asked to get a copy of the hydrant flushing report
when completed.
- Motion by Small, second by Zillmer to approve Operator Licenses for: Randall Seffinga,
Nancy Seffinga, Michael Riorden, Kari Roshell, Tammie Miller, Marcia Borgen, Mary
Manka, Morgan Small, Alexis Streit, Olivia Brist, Nichole Amborn, Angela Roppe, Erin
Scott, Jennifer Garrett, Judy Barthen, carried 5-0.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to accept the donations from New Paradigm Partners
for $500 and $150 from the Birchwood Lions club, for the drug take back box which will
anchored securely at the Village Hall, carried 5-0.
- The loan for the Doolittle Park electrical upgrade will be paid out of the Local Investment
Pool until we look at our money/loan situations, motion by Small, second by Seffinga,
carried 4-1 Zillmer opposing because she was not for the project.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Hurckman to keep the rental fee the same as other years
for the Fire and Ambulance Department, but restrict the funds for future use, failed 1-4.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to keep the rental fee at $19,500 for the Ambulance
and Fire Department, carried 5-0.
Committee Reports
BFCEFD – will be working on their budgets, working on a policy on acquisition of equipment.
Ordinance/Zoning Committee – Zillmer said the slow no wake signs we approved are not approved by the DNR and we cannot use them. She has information on speed limits and signage for ATV travel, need to set up a meeting.
*Minutes, New Bills, Payroll and acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report motion Small, second Seffinga, carried 5-0.
*Motion by Zillmer to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85 (1) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, second by Small, carried. 7:30 p.m.
Note: Only Board Members and Chief of Police will be in closed session.
Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to come out of closed session, carried 5-0.
Chief of Police Adam Brunclik performance was reviewed at the end of his one year probationary period on July 7, 2015. The board found he meets and/or exceeds expectations. A full written performance evaluation will be done in the fall along with the other Village employee review process. Motion by Seffinga, second by Small to increase his pay to $23.40 per hour retroactive to June 1, 2015 for wages earned, carried 5-0. Motion to adjourn by Seffinga, second by Small, carried 9:00 a.m.
Vicki Busick
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