July 14, 2020 Board of Trustee Minutes – Approved

The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees held on 

Tuesday, July 14th, 2020, at 6:00 pm, Birchwood Village Hall 

101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817.

Village Board Members: J. Depoister, R. VanGilder, N. Seffinga, M. Manning, and S. Small


Village President call meeting to order – Meeting will be recorded

Pledge of Allegiance 

Roll call by Clerk: VanGilder, Depoister, Small, and Manning present. Absent: Seffinga

Others Present: Ivan Rodriguez, Linda Zillmer,Patrick and Julie Blackaller

Verification of Public Notice by Clerk: Posted Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery, Post office, and website.

Police Report: None 

Public Works Report by Ron: Ditch mowing is almost done. Patching is almost completed for the year. Sweeping, spraying and weed whipping complete. Minor issues have been repaired (hose and tire). JD tractor continues to have clutch issues. Maintenance has been completed on sweeper and mower. Tucker sent the blower out to be fixed. We have had issues with the outlet at the well house. The exhaust fan isn’t working and keeps tripping the receptacle. Working on re-wiring another receptacle for fan use only. Clean-up is this weekend. 2 leaks found. All hydrants have been checked and most valves have been turned. Sewer lines have been pegged. We’ve had some issues with parking at the Bluegill and by the Ice Age Trail which seem to have been resolved. Results of soil test at retention pond are in compliance. We are still waiting for the nitrogen results due to equipment problems. We don’t anticipate any problems with that.

Committee Reports: 

  • Parks: Getting ready for Doolittle Bash. We’ve had tremendous support from the community and surrounding areas with donations. Ashley discussed precautions that will be taken for safety and social distancing. Discussion on raffle license and safety. 
  • BFCEDS: Depoister will get a copy of Constitution and by-laws for review. Discussion regarding residency of representatives for the townships and villages. We will revisit next month.
  • Building: None
  • Streets:  None

Citizen Comments – Limit 3 minutes per person    

             Linda Zillmer: Public comment/concern regarding public notice wording on website. Public       

              Comment/concern regarding BFCEDS meeting and bylaws.     

Correspondence: Correspondence from Sue Jostad asking to use the Village Hall this fall to hold weekly meetings for the Timber Bay Kids. There would be approximately 10 kids.  She was told we would get back to her after the meeting tonight. Decision will be based on Item 6.

Discussion/Action Items (No public comments allowed):

  1. Current agenda
    1. Motion by Depoister 2nd by Vangilder to approve current agenda with corrections made as follows: Table Items 2a,5,10,11.  Motion carried 4-0
  2. Meeting Minutes 
    1. May 19th, 2020 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes- Motion by Depoister 2nd by Manning to table until next month. Motion carried 4-0
    2. April 28th, 2020 Board of Review Minutes-Motion by Small 2nd by VanGilder to approve minutes. Motion carried 4-0
    3. June 9th, 2020 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes- Motion by Vangilder 2nd by Depoister to approve minutes. Motion carried 4-0.
  3. 2016 LRIP Bids Opening: Publication posted,1 bid received. Monarch Paving $42,335.00. Motion by VanGilder 2nd by Manning to approve Monarch Paving bid for LRIP project on Balsam Street. Roll Call: VanGilder, Manning, Small, and Depoister all in favor. Absent: Seffinga Motion carried 4-0
  4. Motion by Manning 2nd by Depoister to approve Morfoot driveway permit. Carried 4-0
  5. Motion by Depoister, 2nd by Manning to table discussion on BFCEDS Constitution and Bylaws until next month. Carried 4-0
  6. Motion by Small 2nd by Manning to approve the Village Hall Lobby to remain closed indefinitely. Carried 4-0
  7. Motion by Manning 2nd by Small to have the Village attorney proceed with legal proceedings on properties in violation of Village Ordinances 6-453,6-632,10-230, and 26-337; Advising of the abandon well process and grant available. Carried 4-0
  8. Motion by Small 2nd by Manning to approve rounding up Doolittle Camping fees to the nearest dollar to include rate with sales tax. Carried 4-0
  9. Motion by Depoister, 2nd by Small to move item 15 (Certified Survey Map) to item 9 (Certified Survey Map.) Carried 4-0. Motion by Depoister  2nd by Vangilder to approve Pat Blackaller request for land division of Block 30, abandoned railroad right-of-way in the NW ¼ of the SE 1/4, located in the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 25. T. 37 N., R. 10 W., Village of Birchwood.  Roll Call: Small, Depoister, Manning, VanGilder all in favor. Absent: Seffinga Carried 4-0
  10. Motion by Small, 2nd by Manning to approve increasing water and sewer rates by 3% starting in January 2021. Carried 4-0.   CMAR F rating will be discussed at next Utility meeting.
  11. Motion by Depoister, 2nd by Manning to table discussion/action on ATV/UTV Ordinance Sec. 24-393–Amend Ordinances to list each route individually and to include Hinman Dr provision until next month. Carried 4-0
  12. Motion by Depoister, 2nd by Manning to table discussion/action on Garage Sale Ordinance-

             Amend Ordinances to designate Chapter 9 for purpose of Garage Sale until next month. Carried 


  1. Motion by Small 2nd by VanGilder to approve Operator’s license for N. Amborn, E. Hindes, W. Stoeklen, D. Hill, K. Bratvold and H. Kasten. Carried 4-0
  2. Motion by Depoister 2nd by Small to approve waiving 2nd quarter rent and applying payment already made to 3rd quarter rent. Carried 4-0
  3. Public Nuisance Lawn-Discussion Only-Mark will look into ordinance update.
    1. Sec. 10-110-112 
  4. Financials

Motion by VanGilder 2nd by Small to Approve payment of Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports for June 2020 Carried 4-0

  1. Closed Session -None
    1. Pursuant to 19.85(1)© and 19.85 (1)(b) WI statues which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data 
  2. Open Session -None
    1. Matters discussed in closed session
  3. Motion by Small 2nd by VanGilder to Adjourn meeting. Carried 4-0

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Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.