January 2015 – Minutes
The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall. The meeting was called to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was sited. Roll call: Hayes, Seffinga, VanGilder, Zillmer and Small all present. Also present: Clerk-Treasurer Busick, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Murley, Maintenance Department Fee, Chief of Police Brunclik, Dave Rasmussen from MSA, Betsey Acrey, Gwen Hilligoss and Virginia Hurckman.
Police Report – Brunclik reported he has attended a sexual assault class. He will be working with the 6th grade class on the Counter Act program for drug prevention. There was a walk through at the school with Trooper Smith and he was happy with the results.
He also will be going to a Domestic Valiance class and has been working with Village Merchants that have bad check issues.
Maintenance Department – Fee said they have been working on the streets snowplowing as needed. So far no freeze ups with water lines. They have been working with Engineers at the Sewer Plant as there has been a problem regulating the molasses.
Public Recognition – Tanner Zesiger and Katlyn Roppe Seniors from the school were here to inform the Board the Seniors were going to have the “Chill Challenge” again this year. They were asking to use the pavilion and the park area. Fire and Ambulance personal have volunteered to staff the event. People will plow the event area and keep it barricaded off for safety. They were asked to fill out the Special Events Form and have it turned in with the Certificate of Liability for the February meeting. Betsey Acrey asked about the notice that we have higher levels of copper in our water. She was told this was caused by the homes where we took samples having the old copper piping and they didn’t let it run before taking the samples. She was asking about the water and sewer rate increases and also stated she did not think giving raises was financially feasible.
New Business
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Seffinga to approve the agenda as written, carried 5-0.
- Auditor Dan Thole was present to give the Board his finding for a rate increase for
water and sewer. He discussed the water first. He suggested the Board go for a full
rate increase with the PSC as the water department is losing money. Motion by Zillmer
second by Small to go forward with the 4% rate of return, roll call: Hayes-yes,
Seffinga-yes, VanGilder-yes, Zillmer-yes, and Small-yes, carried 5-0. These rates
will not take effect until probably July and billed in October.
- Thole then discussed the sewer rates. We are unregulated by the sewer, Thole
suggested we raise the sewer rates by 3.4%. Motion by Small, second Zillmer to
approve Resolution 167-15 amending wastewater user rates in accordance with Village
code of ordinances, roll call: Hayes-yes, Seffinga-yes, VanGilder-yes, Zillmer-yes,
and Small-yes, carried 5-0. After discussion with Betsey Acrey saying she doesn’t
know how we can have a rate increase when the quarter is already started. Zillmer
said we are just delaying the rate increase because it has to be done. Small made a
motion to reconsider the raise until April, second by Seffinga, roll call: Hayes-no,
Seffinga-no, Small-yes, VanGilder-yes, motion failed 3-2.
- Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve payment to Staab Construction for
$13,250, carried 5-0.
- We still have not received the Grant Agreement with the Department of Administration
for the Main Street Project will discuss next month, motion to do so by Zillmer, Seffinga,
carried 5-0.
- Dave Rasmussen from MSA was here to talk about the contract for design and
Construction services for the Main Street Project, it was decided to have a special
meeting to look over this contract on Wednesday, January 21st at 6:00 p.m. motion by
Zillmer, second by Small, carried 5-0. If the contract for #5 is available they may also
take action on it.
- Trustee Zillmer was looking for approval of a letter she would like to send regarding
Herbicide treatment results, 2015 herbicide permit application and future plans for the
lake management and herbicide and chemical treatment to Lake Chetac, motion by
Zillmer to approve sending the letter to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Management Specialist, second by Hayes to approve, carried 5-0. She was asking
the Towns of Edgewater and Birchwood to support the letter.
- Zillmer was also asking permission to send a letter to Dr. Patrick Wolf Medical
Director for the BFCESD to have a meeting with the newly hired Ambulance Director
And the Commissioners, Board suggested the letter be addressed to the District, she
will have a re-write of the letter for the meeting on Wednesday the 21st.
- There were no Operator License applications.
Old Business – none
Committee Meeting Reports
BFCESD – Zillmer reported on the activities in the Village of the Ambulance Department for 2014 they had 38 runs, 9 no-loads and 1 fire assist. Fire Department had 7 calls for various reasons. She said donations have been coming in for the newly renovated ambulance from Lake View Medical Center $500 each from the Lions Club, Chamber, ATV/Snowmobile Club, American Legion for a total of $2,000, so far total donations are $22,956.
Trustee Commitments – Busick said she had set up former Village President Morris Gillett’s retirement party for Saturday, January 31, 2015 from 2 -4 at the Bluegill Banquet Hall. Connect Community – Busick will have the minutes of the Kick-Off visit available for the next meeting. Office has not done anything regarding setting up credit card payments.
Future agenda items – Committee appointments and the audit contract.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve minutes, new bills, payroll and accept the Treasurer’s Report, carried 5-0.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting 8:54 p.m.
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.