The Village of Birchwood’s Trick-or-Treat hours will be October 31st from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Just a friendly reminder there is no burning in the Village of Birchwood. You may bring your brush (leaves, branches, plants, and other woody debris) to the Village Shop Brush Pile during the hours of 7am to 3pm Monday through Friday located at 412 Edenharter Rd.
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Notices are posted in three public places which are Birchwood Postal Office, Gary's Grocery, and the Village Hall to comply in all respects with the provision of Sec.2-183, Wis. Stats §§ 19.84, and Wis. Stats §§ 19.81 and 19.89. Electronic notices are for your convenience but not required by law. Electronic notifications are posted live however email notifications are not sent out until 9 am the following day.
The Village of Birchwood will never sell or distribute your information to a third party. Information collected is for notification purposes only.