FINAL August 2017 Board Minutes

The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly Board Meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall. The meeting was called to order by Village President, Virginia Hurckman.  Roll Call: Depoister, Hurckman, Seffinga, Small, VanGilder – Present.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Police Report – Chief of Police Adam Brunclik reported Bluegill Fest went well; there were a couple of disorderly persons.  The month had many calls, including EMS and general complaints.  He has been staying busy.

Maintenance Report – Tucker Fee reports the maintenance department has been pretty busy.  Bluegill Fest went well for them.  Ron has been working on keeping the lawns mowed.  Ron has also been working on opening culverts and has completed three quarters of the village.  He has been cleaning catch boxes.  The replacement door for the Village Hall has been installed.  Tucker needs to complete a few finishing touches.  He is working on the long grass; getting to Cedar Ave. soon.  Maintenance was asked if they could block off Main Street early next year for Bluegill Fest; Yes they will..

Public Comment – Public Comment – Linda Zillmer requests a correction to her comment from the June 13, 2017 board meeting to reflect:  Linda Zillmer requests the village board consider taking action at its July, 2017 village board meeting to pass a resolution taking a position regarding Washburn County’s proposed creation of a  Birch Lake Dam Special Assessment District and assessing riparian owners on Birch Lake for dam repairs. Zillmer provided reasons why the village should oppose creation of the special assessment district and assessing lakeshore owners for this repair and for future repairs or replacement. If the village board acts on a Resolution at its July meeting, it can be communicated and presented to Washburn County in time for the county’s July 14, 2017 public hearing.  She thanks the board for that resolution.  There were 29 people at the meeting; and the vote was 28-1 to stop the assessment.  Village should remain vigilant on the Special Assessment.  Questions regarding the BFCESD: the building, alternative sites, EMT and new perspective members hearing complaints about Village not maintaining the building.  Suggested that we get a work order of issues.  Could the Village reach out to Bumper and/or Ken for problems at Fire Department?  Hurckman states that some of these concerns may be addressed at the Thursday, August 10, 2017 BFCESD meeting.  Talk of installing dehumidifier(s) in hall; looking at old meeting minutes.  Linda would like “draft” meeting minutes posted so residents can make suggestions prior to being finalized.

Bob Robotka addressed the water bill.  A guy in Clayton with a laundromat pays $275 to $340 for quarterly bill, and Bob’s was $271.  Why so high?  And will it ever come down after we get the new sewer plant paid for?  Also he asked questions about the parks: do something with the skate park because it looks like hell.  Grass is high, some of the stuff needs to get fixed or pulled out because kids still go in there.  Doolittle doesn’t get weed-whacked by trees and poles.  People just can’t afford to pay sewer bill.  Tucker responded they removed some of the stuff from the skate park that was truly tore up but need to get the rest of the stuff out.

 New Business

  1. Motion by Depoister, second by Small to approve agenda as presented, carried 5-0.
  2. Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve the minutes from July 11th board meeting as-is, carried 5-0.
  3. Motion by VanGilder, second by Depoister to send letter to Jim Schmitz that he must have a contractor’s estimate to make ALL repairs to property at 322 S. Main, and have building inspector in to estimate what MUST be done to get to code.    ASSESSED VALUE IS $27,500 (BLDG IS $22,900 AND LAND $4,600)
  4. Motion by Seffinga, second by Hurckman to approve alcohol permits for Sonny Hayes for Bluegill Bar, carried 4-0 with Small abstaining.
  5. Motion by Small, second by Depoister to approve Temporary “Class B” Retailers’ License for Birchwood Lions Club and waive the exception for Ordinance 16-335 Alcohol beverages in public area E-1, provision of this section may be waived by the Village Board for duly authorized events, carried 5-0.
  6. Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to approve Special Event Permit and Temporary Sign Permit for Annual Woodcrafters Show in Rest Park, carried 5-0.
  7. Motion by Hurckman, second by Small, to approve temporary operator(s) license(s) for Nancy Seffinga, Randy Seffinga, carried 4-0, Seffinga abstained.
  8. Motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder, to place cement memorial bench donated by the Dennisons at the big Bluegill, carried 5-0.
  9. Motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga, to set interview(s) with two candidates for building inspector, carried 5-0.

Virginia Hurckman informs the Village that the BFCESD signed the contract for purchase of Robotka land.  There is a meeting in Edgewater on Thursday, August 10th at 6:30 p.m.

Motion by Small, second by Depoister to approve new bills, payroll, and acceptance of the treasurer’s report, carried 5-0.

Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting, carried 5-0.

Submitted by Kathy Paquette, Clerk-Treasurer

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