February11, 2020 Board of Trustee Minutes – Approved
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees held on
Tuesday, February 11th, at 6:00 p.m.
at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N. Main Street, Birchwood, WI 54817.
Village President call meeting to order – meeting will be recorded
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call by Clerk: VanGilder (absent), Seffinga, Depoister, Hurckman and Small – present.
Verification of public notice by Clerk: Posted Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery, Post Office, and website.
Police Report by Adam Brunclik: Adult Purchasing for Minor issue, Assist EMS with Fire Dept Paging Issue, Narcotic search warrant with assistance from Washburn County, radio upgrade is programmed and running well.
Maintenance Department Report: Getting numbers for working with school on parking lot, numbers for catch boxes, and Greener’s water issue. Plowing is caught up; skating rink is being used and Cody will be doing the bench at the skating rink and then a dedication can be planned. Picnic tables almost done for Doolittle Park, will be working on Pavilion upgrades. Catching up and getting ready for Spring.
Citizen Comments (Limit 3 minutes per person and there will be no action taken)
- L. Zillmer: Public comment on dog license fees remaining the same. Public comment on reversing the 10% garbage rate based on state revenue caps and levy.
Discussion/Action Items:
- Motion by Small to approve the current agenda with moving closed session and open session to after number 8, second by Seffinga. Open session moves with closed session, Depoister.
- VanGilder approves January 2019 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes, second by Depoister. Carried 5-0.
- New Business
a.) Discussion about what room tax could do for the village by Julie Thomas-Telitz, Sawyer County business owner and on Birchwood Chamber. For every dollar spent on marketing there is a $4 return. Link to video sent. Room tax is regulated by state, must be ordinance passed by a municipality. Tax is on overnight stays and lodging. Not campground, collected by owner, remitted quarterly to municipality, 30% goes to municipality and can be used for, 70% goes to qualified tourist entity which can only be used for marketing or salary to do marketing. Municipality is the pass through. Town of Edgewater considering. Birchwood would have the Hotel, Maple Terrace, Cottages, and VRBOS, potentially some money to make improvements to Doolittle Park or whatever.
b.) Discussion on Greener’s Budget Lumber drainage issue. Need another drain channel to get twice the flow. Plan for first opportunity in spring.
c.) Application for Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retail License for Bluegill Bar. Motion to approve by Hurchman. Second by Small. Carried 4-0.
d.) Operators License for T. Stanley. Motion to approve by Hurchman. Second by Small. Carried 5-0.
e.) Dog License Fees and Due Date for 2020. Motion to return dues and due date back to what they were. Motion to approve by Small. Second by Hurchman. Carried 4-0.
f.) 2020 Doolittle Park camping rates. Small discussed raising rates and customer feedback. Dan Greife suggested raising $25 on seasonal and $5 on tents, and daily rate to $35. Rates haven’t been raised in a while. $1850 and $1900 next year. Motion by Depoister to raise seasonal to $1850, tent and daily rates raised $5 each. Second by Hurchman. Carried 4-0.
g.) Sale of East Hills Subdivision lots tabled to next month.
h.) 2020 mileage rates. Motion to keep rates with current state rate. Tabled to next meeting.
Committee Reports
- BFCESD- Bylaws being tweaked. Bidding process under review. Board would like to review the bylaws.
- Street Committee – discussed projects including project with school, Phase I of second municipal well, well abandonment progress and final notice to residents, job duties clarification, work orders and timecards to track closer what projects are being worked on. Discussed public works building condition, roof needs replacing, restroom facilities bid. Washburn County now makes signs and we need to get signs on Hinman and D.
- Parks Committee – meeting next month to review contract.
- Ordinance Committee – Need to meet to review a couple issues.
- Motion by Hurchman, seconded by Seffinga to approve New Bills, Payroll and acceptance of Treasurer’s Report for January. Carried 4-0.
- Correspondence: Town of Birchwood couple who granted permission to cross their land to spread waste back in 2007 is withdrawing their agreement to pump sledge. Village of Birchwood or its entities no longer are permitted to cross their land.
- Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to go into closed session (pursuant to 19.85(1)© and 19.85 (1)(b) WI statues which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data). Roll call: Hurckman, Seffinga, Depoister, Small – present. Van Gilder – vacant.
- Motion by Small, second by Hurchman to return to open session.
- Motion to adjourn by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn. Carried 4-0.
Ashley Beffa – Clerk/Treasurer
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