February 2017 Board of Trustees Minutes
The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly Board Meeting on Tuesday February 14th at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall. Roll Call: Hurckman, VanGilder, Small, Seffinga – Present; Depoister – Absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Police Report – Chief of Police Adam Brunclik reporting he has been keeping very busy. Counter Act at school still ongoing; has had several OWIs; new records management software is up and running. Business owner Betsey Acrey inquired about using sniffer dogs at evening school events – wouldn’t hold up; Trustee Small asked what Adam is going to spend his latest grant on – looking at laser for traffic or movable speed signs.
Maintenance Report – Tucker Fee reporting that Ron in doing a great job getting the parks ready for spring; having issues with pump out by mill; been moving snow piles in case we get any more snow this season; ice rink has been used quite a bit – will be maintained until not possible; routine maintenance is going well – monthly maintenance being done on the generator and twice monthly at the plant. Business owner Betsey Acrey inquired about when the street sweeper would be used – not until spring.
Public Comment – Public comment moved to discussion item #5
New Business
- Motion by Seffinga, second by VanGilder to approve agenda as presented; carried 4-0.
- Motion by VanGilder, second by Seffinga to approve the minutes from January 3rd board meeting as written; carried 4-0.
- Motion by VanGilder, second by Seffinga to approve the Amended 2017 budget. Roll Call – Hurckman-yes, VanGilder-yes, Small-yes, Seffinga-yes; carried 4-0
- Teresa Anderson presenting a change to the TID laws; will present a proposal in March for MSAs assistance with the new regulations; no action taken.
- Business owner Betsey Acrey took the floor for public comment regarding the utilities. Inquired if anyone on the board was aware of the money recently paid out to a resident for overpayment – board was made aware of this only recently – PSC required payment within a certain timeframe of error being discovered; wondering if Workhorse system is part of the problem – no, our issues are all clerical; still concerned about the rate change and how the removal of the 3rd tier affects large volume clients, such as herself and other businesses; surveyed 10 communities who have special sewer rates for commercial accounts; Tucker informing board he would like to purchase some meters from Hayward – all about 8 years old but never used – will help with upcoming testing needing to be done on all meters in town; no action taken.
- Motion by VanGilder, second by Hurckman to not issue trickle credit as no trickle was issued; carried 3-1.
- Motion by Hurckman, second by Small to authorize the purchase of the Receipting module from Workhorse while tabling the purchase of the Miscellaneous billing module; carried 4-0.
- Motion by Small, VanGilder to enforce the $15 install charge and $15/quarter charge for deduct meters; carried 4-0.
- Motion by VanGilder, second by Hurckman to increase mileage reimbursement from $0.50/mile to new IRS rate of $0.535/mile; carried 4-0.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to approve new bills, payroll and acceptance of the treasurer’s report, carried 4-0.
Motion by Small, second by Seffinga to adjourn the meeting, carried 4-0.
Submitted by Chelsea Tompkins, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
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