February 2015 – Minutes
The Village of Birchwood Trustees held the monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village. The meeting was called to order and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Roll call: VanGilder, Zillmer, Small and Hayes present. Absent: Seffinga. Also attending the meeting Dave Rasmussen from MSA, Bob Beffa Maintenance, Missy Murley Deputy Clerk-Treasurer and Vicki Busick Clerk-Treasurer.
Police Report – Officer Brunclik was not available for his report.
Maintenance Department – Beffa said they had to pull the pumps at a few lift stations because of rags, with our new truck they can do this work and save the village money. They will be testing 10 -12 meters during the first quarter. They are changing from molasses to a type of sugar water we can get from a manufacture in Cumberland to work with the MBBR system that should save us money.
Public Recognition – Former Village President Morris Gillett wanted to personally thank the Board Members and Employees for the Retirement Party and the gift of a jacket.
New Business
- Motion by Zillmer to approve the agenda as written, second by Small, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Small to take no action on the water rate increase until
we have information at the March meeting, carried 4-0.
- Motion by Zillmer, second by Hayes to approve Change Order #3 for $3982.00 for an
Air Bypass Connection between the Lagoon and MBBR Blowers, carried 4-0. Motion
by Zillmer, second by Small to approve pay request #19 to Staab Construction for
$24,581.35, carried 4-0. The new completion date for this project is scheduled for
May 1, 2015.
- MSA presented a Grant Agreement between the Village and Department of
Administration Contract for the Blacktop project on the Main Street Project. Zillmer
had questions regarding subcontracts/assignments on page 3, article 7 of the contract
and page 6, article 23 Procurement, she is questioning if the contract with MSA for
design, construction and administration should be bid out. There will be a couple
changes to the draft agreement, Attachment B to start work August 1st, 2015
and a revised budget from Angela Davis separating the Engineering and Administration.
The Contract was reviewed by out Attorney and he didn’t see any smoking guns. Motion
by Hayes, second by VanGilder to approve the contract, roll call: VanGilder-yes,
Zillmer-no, Small-yes and Hayes-yes, motion carried 3-1.
- MSA had a contract for Design and Construction Services, Zillmer questioned being
the construction will not begin until August would they hold to the labor rates and
not implement the possible 5% increase, Rasmussen didn’t think he could make that
decision. As far as exhibits D, E, or F it is standard language we didn’t need and K is
only used if there is an amendment to the contract. Zillmer has a problem with page 9
#2 in the event of termination paragraph. Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to
approve the contract with MSA, roll call: VanGilder-yes, Zillmer-no, Small-yes and
Hayes-yes, motion carried 3-0.
- Xcel Energy sent a letter asking permission to move the overhead lines to the
east in the alley way. Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to send a letter to Xcel
to say we are in favor of moving the lines but we would like more detailed information
and to set up a meeting with them, CenturyTel and S & K Cable, carried 4-0. Clerk
will contact Dave with Cedar Corp and coordinate a meeting.
- Motion by Small, second by Zillmer to approve Operator License for Gloria Widiker,
Carried 4-0.
Old Business – None
Committee Reports
BFCESD – will be holding a meeting next week there is not an agenda posted as of yet
Parks will be holding a meeting this month.
Ordinance/Zoning – holding off on the Cross Connection suggested changes as we understand they will be changing the working again in the near future.
Trustee Comments – Zillmer said she attended a Connect Community meeting in Menomonie last week and it was very informative.
Motion by Small, second by Zillmer to approve the minutes, new bills, payroll and acceptance of the Treasure’s Report, carried 4-0.
Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to adjourn at 7:20 p.m., carried 4-0.
Vicki Busick – Clerk-Treasurer CMC, CMTW
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