February 11, 2021 Monthly Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees held on February 11th, at 6:30 p.m.
at the Birchwood Village Hall, 101 N. Main Street, Birchwood, WI 54817.
Village President call meeting to order – meeting will be recorded
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call by Clerk: VanGilder, Seffinga, Depoister, and Small – present. Hurckman (absent).
Verification of public notice by Clerk: Posted Village Hall, Gary’s Grocery, Post Office, and website.
Discussion/Action Items:
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll Call-See above.
- Tim Stearns made a motion to approve Jan 14th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Minutes, 2nd by John Depoister, Carried 7-0
- Public Input. Linda Zilmer expressed her concerns regarding Agenda item #14.
- Fire Department Report-Ken was absent-see attached reports.
- Ambulance Service Report-see attached reports. Vince asked that monies spent on the New Ambulance be taken from the Amb. Capital Acct to cover them.
- Two Rivers Accounting, LLC report on fund balances—see attached response from Brandon regarding recommendations on the Assigned Fund Balances. Ken Leners wanted to thank Brandon for the recommendations.
- Fund Balance Policy: Ken Leners asked that we follow the Capital improvement 5 yr plan and not to exceeding those amounts in the Capital Accts. Mick suggested not to put the Assigned Accts into a 5 yr plan. Before budget planning this year, a Budget Committee will be formed.
- Fund Raising Committee Report: Due to personal conflicts Pete Baribeau resigned as Chair of the Fund Raising Committee. New Chair will be voted on at March’s meeting.
- Building Committee Report: Bill Zimmer was absent.
- Open discussion regarding building project and direction going forward. Vince talked about some different properties that were available. Gargulak’s property with the shop isn’t for sale anymore, but their property to the east is available, but isn’t big enough for the building. John Depoister mentioned a few different options that may be an option.
- Tim Stearns made a motion to Approve the donations that were received since the last meeting of $325.00 from Memorials for Jon Sleik toward the Building Fund, 2nd by John Depoister, Carried 7-0
- Cindy Fairchild made a motion to accept the donation of the laptop computer from Tim Stearns, 2nd by Mick Givens, Carried 7-0
- Richard Stowe made a motion to settle for 12% interest annually on the amount of late charges on the nonpayment of Town of Cedar Lakes 2020 Assessment payments, 2nd by Tim Stearns. 2-yea 5- nay, Rejected 5-2
Town of Birchwood-yea
Town of Doyle-yea
Town of Long Lake-nay
Village of Birchwood-nay
Town of Cedar Lake-nay
Town of Edgewater-nay
Town of Wilson-nayTim Stearns made a motion to forgive the Town of Cedar Lakes finance charges on the 2020 Late Assessment payment, 2nd by Pete Baribeau, Carried 6-0 1–abstain
Town of Birchwood—yea
Town of Doyle—yea
Town of Long Lake—yea
Village of Birchwood—yea
Town of Cedar Lake—abstain
Town of Edgewater—yea
Town of Wilson—yea
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