DRAFT Meeting Minutes January 10, 2018 Caucus DRAFT
The Village of Birchwood held a caucus on Tuesday, January 9, at 5:45 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall to determine names for candidates for the spring election.
Call Caucus to order by President Hurckman.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call: Depoister, Small, Hurckman, Seffinga, VanGilder present.
Hurckman chooses Kathy Paquette and Linda Zillmer as tabulators to count ballots if needed.
Call for nominations for two Village Trustee positions.
- Hurckman requests nominations for the office of Village Trustee.
- Paquette nominates Nancy Seffinga, second by Zillmer.
- Hurckman nominates John Depoister, second by VanGilder.
- Small nominates Linda Zillmer, second by Depoister.
Hurckman asks “are there any more nominations for Village Trustee?” And repeated three times “are there any more nominations for Village Trustee?”
After hearing none, Hurckman announces that nominations are closed for the office of the Trustee.
Motion to close nominations by Small, second by VanGilder.
Motion to adjourn by Small, second by Seffinga.
Submitted by Kathy Paquette, Clerk-Treasurer
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