BFCSED Minutes | June 11, 2020


BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817


Jon Sleik-Town of Birchwood-Present, Ken Leners-Town of Cedar Lake-Present, Timothy Stearns-Town of Doyle-Present, Bill Zimmer-Town of Edgewater-Present, Mick Givens-Town of Long Lake-Present, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-Present, John Depoister-Village of Birchwood-Present


Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the Birchwood School Commons.


1. Roll Call—See Above

2. Tim Stearns made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from May 13, 2020, 2nd by Bill Zimmer, carried

3. Public Input—Linda Zillmer-? On why we don’t have a copy of the League of WI Municipalities Guide for Fire and Police. Concerned about removing the Interim title of the Ambulance Director.

4. Fire Department Report—See Attached

5. Ambulance Service Report—See Attached

6. Tim Stearns made a motion on removing interim title for the Ambulance Director Vince Fairchild, 2nd by Bill Zimmer, carried

7. Jon Sleik made a motion to extend the lease on current office space by 1 year @ $620 per month, 2nd by Tim Stearns, carried.

8. 2019 Audit should be ready by July, Two Rivers will present it at the August meeting

9. John Depoister made a motion to Approve donations of $1250 to the Building Fund that were received since May 13, 2020, 2nd by Tim Stearns, Carried

10. Mick Givens made a motion to approve the appointing Bill Zimmer as Building Committee Chair, 2nd by John Depoister, carried

Mick Givens made a motion to approve appointing Tim Stearns to replace John Depoister on the Building committee, 2nd by John Depoister, Town of Birchwood-yea, Town of Doyle-yea, Town of Edgewater-yea, Town of Long Lake-yea, Town of Wilson-yea, Village of Birchwood-yea, Town of Cedar Lake-nay. 6–yea, 1–nay

11. Bill Zimmer is hoping to set up a Building Committee meeting in the next couple days and also set up a meeting with Chris at NWB soon.

12. Mick Givens sent the latest updated copy of the BFCESD Bylaws 6/1 for everyone to review. Per recommendation of Arnie Kohler to add Birchwood in to the D1 in front of Four Corners Emergency Services District everyone agreed.

Ken Leners made a motion to change 4b to state: Each member municipality shall determine its own procedures for appointment of commissioners, provided that the commissioner appointed by a member municipality must reside within the boundaries of the member municipality, and may change the appointee at its own discretion upon reasonable notice of the other member municipalities and the district, Bill Zimmer made a motion for discussion, Discussion was made and roll call vote to approve the above motion

Town of Birchwood-Jon Sleik—nay, Town of Cedar Lake-Ken Leners-yea

Town of Doyle-Tim Stearns-nay, Town of Edgewater-Bill Zimmer-nay

Town of Long Lake-Mick Givens-nay, Town of Wilson-Cindy Fairchild-nay

Village of Birchwood-John Depoister-nay, 6-nay, 1 yea

Item 4b will not be changed on By-laws

Discussion on penalties for delinquent payment was made.

Mick Givens made a motion to add to the proposed by-laws Item 7e to state: Any entity that is 3 months late in making payment will lose voting rights. Item 7f to state: Any entity that is 6 months late in making a payment will lose protection, upon loss of protection, the member entity will be considered to have withdrawn and the terms of section 10 apply, 2nd by Tim Stearns, carried unanimous.

13. Ken Leners met with Vince Fairchild and Ken George regarding setting up a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). He set up a spreadsheet with the items they discussed and sent it to each member.

14. Tim Stearns made a motion to Approve Bookkeepers report as presented, 2nd by John Depoister, carried

Tim Stearns made a motion to approve bills presented, 2nd by John Depoister, carried.

15. Review Correspondence–None

16. Commissioners Input—

Jon Sleik-Town of Birchwood-Asked if the Bluegill parade had been canceled; Bill Zimmer commented that there is no Official Bluegill event scheduled. Jon mentioned doing tours of the occupied current Fire building and hand out the Brick donation flyers at that time.

Ken Leners-Town of Cedar Lake- question on website, Cindy commented that with the Covid issues that the site work has slowed because no pic etc. have been sent because we can meet to get them done. Offered to work with Vince on wages for Ambulance personal.

Bill Zimmer-Town of Edgewater-mentioned that they have lot of questions on bylaws and not sure if they’ll be ready to approve it by the next meeting.

Tim Stearns-Town of Doyle-Nothing

Mick Givens-Town of Long Lake-mentioned about the issue with First Responders not showing up at calls and the new Sheriff will help get communication to the responders.

Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-nothing

John Depoister-Village of Birchwood–Agrees with Vince on there has been a need for a long time to do something to help get more EMT’s on the service and offered to help Vince and Ken Leners on that. Also asked about getting the Smoke house for the open house at the Fire hall.

17. Tim Stearns made a motion to Adjourn @ 8:35 p.m., 2nd by John Depoister, carried.

A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.

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