BFCESD Minutes | February 13, 2020

BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817

Jon Sleik-Town of Birchwood-Present, Ken Leners-Town of Cedar Lake-Present, Timothy Stearns-Town of Doyle-Present, Pete Baribeau-Town of Edgewater-Present, Mick Givens- Town of Long Lake-Present, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson-Present, John Depoister-Village of Birchwood-Present

Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, February 13, 2020, at the BFCESD Office at 6:30 p.m. The BFCESD Office is located at 101 W Loomis, Suite B, Birchwood, WI

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call—See Above

3. Revised Jan 9, 2020 #13 Commissioner input from Ken to put in agenda items when commissioner ask for items to be added. Mick’s comment to remove manage to help per comments regarding Previous Meeting Minutes, Tim Stearns made a motion to approve the Jan 9, 2020 minutes with the above changes, 2nd by John Depoister, Carried

4. Public Input–Linda Zillmer had public input. Victor Drost email was read by Tim Stearns.

5. Fire Department Report–See Attached Mick Givens made a motion to approve the 2019 Fire Department amended
bylaws as presented, 2nd by Tim Stearns, carried

6. Ambulance Service Report—See Attached

7. Discuss was made regarding Two Rivers Accounting, LLC proposal, several gave input of working with Brandon and are pleased with Two Rivers Accounting LLC. Motion was made to approve #2 of the proposal presented at the Jan 9th meeting for 2019-2021 audit, 2nd by Pete Baribeau, Carried

8. Discussing was made regarding BFCESD website, Pete mentioned if its cost efficient, Mick mentioned cost of no more than $500 per yr., Ken Leners will contact Chelsea on if she would be willing to take on another site and cost, Mick mentioned that domain and have been paid for to hold at $20 ea. per year. Will be voted on at next meeting when we have more information.

9. John Depoister made a motion to Approve donations of $6,800 for the Building/Brick fund that were received since the meeting on Jan 9, 2020, 2nd by Mick Given, Carried

10. Jon Sleik made a motion to assign the LOSA sponsorship from Town of Cedar Lake to Town of Birchwood, 2nd by Pete Baribeau. Mick Givens-yea, Ken Leners-nay, Tim Stearns-yea, Cindy Fairchild-yea, John Depoister-yea, Pete Baribeau-yea, Jon Sleik-yea vote carried 6-1.

11. Special Meeting was set for Feb 27, 2020 for BFCESD Bylaws Development Committee including discussion of recommended bylaw changes and approval process.

12. Reassess FY 2020 annual cost share figures. Determine whether to retain, modify or eliminate the second (April) billing. /Ken Leners made a motion to eliminate the second payment of the BFCESD FYI 2020 Assessment because of reserve fund, 2nd by Pete Baribeau. Roll call vote was made Town of Long Lake-nay, Town of Cedar Lake-yea, Town of Doyle-nay, Town of Birchwood-nay, Town of Wilson-nay, Village of Birchwood-nay, Town of Edgewater-yea 5-Nay 2-yea

13. Ken Leners made a motion recommending that only residents serving as a Commissioner have voting rights. Non-residents that are appointed by town/village may not have voting rights, 2nd by Pete Baribeau. Roll call vote—Town of Long Lake-nay, Town of Cedar Lake-yea, and Town of Doyle- nay, Town of Birchwood-nay, Town of Wilson-nay, Village of Birchwood-nay, Town of Edgewater-nay, 1-yea, 6-nay. The Bylaws will stay the same.

14. John Depoister mentioned receiving the Construction Managers Contract there is a lot of legal information. He’d like to set up a Special Meeting for the Building Committee to discuss CM (construction manager) contract, and committee’s next steps. Our attorney will look over it before accepting the Contract. Chris mentioned that the costs of materials are going up. Feb 20th at 6:30 was set for the Building Committee to meet at the Loomis Office. John Depoister will be Chair of Building Committee with Ken George to take Tom Beffa’s place and Bill Zimmer will take Dean Buresh’s place.

15. Tim Stearns made a motion to Approve Bookkeepers report as presented, 2nd by Ken Leners, Carried.
Tim Stearns made a motion to approve bills, 2nd by John Depoister, carried.

16. Review Correspondence, Meeting at the School Feb 24, 6-7pm and Emergency Management Meeting March 4th

17. Commissioners Input—
Pete Baribeau-Town of Edgewater–#1 most important item is fundraising and how are we going to continue, #2 he’d like to clarify he highly recommends Board members be a commissioner but understand. #3—Don B outburst is poor representation because of temper. Something needs to change.
John Depoister-Village of Birchwood—Agrees with Pete that Don B was the reasoning for changing Chairman of Building Committee.
Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson–Nothing
Mick Givens-Town of Long Lake—got a call from Washburn Cty that they want the Town to deal with Rd name signs on Private Rds. Don B outburst need to be addressed.
Ken Leners-Town of Cedar Lake—Mentioned that we rent the portion of the Village of Birchwood building for $19,500 and will be invoicing the BFCESD for rent for the trailer and fire truck at the Town of Cedar Lakes shop.
Tim Stearns-Town of Doyle—mentioned that regarding he was appointed to serve on the BFCESD board as a commissioner by elector vote not just by the Board decision.
Jon Sleik-Town of Birchwood—Agrees that best officials are Town Officials and Romaine has appointed him and he follows his direction. Reminder Meeting is set for Feb 27th at 6:30pm to go over Bylaws.

18. Adjourn

The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call 715 354 3003.
A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.

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