BFCESD Meeting Minutes for July 11, 2019


BFCESD PO Box 417, Birchwood, WI 54817


Romaine Quinn-Town of Birchwood–Present, Jon Sleik-Town of Cedar Lake–Present, Timothy Stearns-Town of Doyle–Present, Dean Buresh-Town of Edgewater–Present, Mick Givens-Town of Long Lake–Present, Cindy Fairchild-Town of Wilson–Present, John Depoister-Village of Birchwood—Present


Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2019 at the BFCESD Office at 6:30 p.m. The BFCESD Office   is located at 101 W Loomis, Suite B, Birchwood, WI


BFCESD Meeting Minutes for July 11, 2019


  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call—see above
  3. Romaine Quinn made a motion to approve the June13, 2019 Meeting Minutes with the addition to item 13-Mick Givens asked that speakers be acknowledge by the President before speaking, 2nd by John Depoister, carried.
  4. Public Input—Linda Zillmer concerned with grass clippings being put on D. Would like to see when approving the matching grant contributions be specified where money is going into a matching fund pool rather than specific certain entities.
  5. Fire Department Report, see attached
  6. Ambulance Service Report, see attached
  7. Tim Stearns made a motion to Approve $2830.00 to building fund and $50.00 to the Rehab Trailer that were received since the last meeting, 2nd by Dean Buresh, carried.
  8. Review necessary steps required before signing off on NWB contract for the new building see attached from Jon Sleik, discussion regarding getting a bridge loan for the other $250,000 if needed for bills before the 2nd ½ of the matching grant was available. If the BFCESD gets this loan the interest on $250,000 would be 5%, Dean has asked Edgewater to stand in for the bridge loan, the interest would be 3%.
  9. Review cost split for new building pending finalized EPV #’s for 2019, this will be reviews at the Aug 2019 meeting, the EPV’s will be posted by that time.
  10. Review, modify and approve resolution by District requesting Town/Village financial assistance for new building. All Board member names were put on the resolution.  Each Town/Village will have a Special Meeting in Sept because 2 notices have to be made before the meeting.  John needs to know when meeting are scheduled by Aug.



  1. Review, modify and vote on the resolution and promissory note submitted for each entity to pass prior to October 1, 2019.

Romaine Quinn made a motion to approve the resolution by adding all the Commissioners names added.  Customize the Promissory note to add the Trustees to the Village’s and add the Supervisors to the Town’s, 2nd by Mick Givens, All approve

  1. Mick givens made a motion to accept the David and Carolyn Matching Grant, 2nd by Tim Stearns, Carried
  2. Dan Thole presented the 2018 audit.
  3. Romaine made a motion to approve Bookkeepers report, 2nd by John Depoister. Tim Stearns made a motion to approve bills as presented 2nd by Jon Sleik, carried.
  4. Review Correspondence—Washburn Cty Relay for Life brochure
  5. Commissioners Input

Jon—Appreciated everyone’s attention on the getting the resolution and promissory notes modified. We have 2 months to get to the finish line.

Dean—reviewed report with Pete and all the supervisors bought raffle tickets.




Mick—would like to see the reserve of $26,000 that was the Bal trans from the Village to be used to lower the budget expenses.

Romaine—Glad that the voting on items are over.  Thanked Jon and Ken for going after the donations for the matching grant.

  1. Mick Givens made a motion to adjourn at 8:45pm, 2nd by Romaine Quinn, carried


The BFCESD Office is handicap accessible. If you have special needs regarding attendance please call 715 354 3003.


A quorum of board members from each municipality may be present. No actions will be taken by any participating governmental body other than those stated in this notice.

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