2018 Budget Hearing & November Board Meeting Notice
The Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees will hold the Public Hearing for the 2018 Budget
on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall
The Regular Monthly meeting of the Village of Birchwood Board of Trustees will be held on
November 16, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Birchwood Village Hall
101 N. Main Street, Birchwood, WI 54817
Call Meeting to Order – Roll call – Pledge of Allegiance
Police Report – Maintenance Dept. Report
Public Recognition – (Limit 3 minutes per person and there will be no action taken)
New Business
- Approve agenda or make changes as needed.
- Approve minutes or make changes as needed from October 10, 2017 Board Meeting.
- Approve minutes or make changes as needed from September 26, 2017 Budget Workshop Meeting.
- Approve minutes or make changes as needed from October 19, 2017 Budget Meeting.
- Approve and/or make changes as needed for 2018 Budget; reflective on Public Hearing held prior to this Board meeting.
- Jim Schmitz progress update on S. Main St. home. Discuss/action (if necessary) on said property.
- John/Jessica Robotka proposing their Euclid (218/220) property for Vacation Rental by Owner. Discuss/action (if necessary) on said property.
- Discuss/action on BFCESD 2018 contract, Resolution #183-17.
- Discuss/action on Birchwood PD Administration of Naloxone Policy, Resolution #184-17
- Discuss/action on Amendment to Ordinance 2-01-05 fee schedule for Administration and Enforcement Costs of Building Permits, Resolution #185-17
- Discuss/action on January 1, 2018 Fee Schedule, Resolution #186-17
- Discuss/action on Birchwood PD Alleged Trespasser Complaint Policy, Resolution #187-17.
- Discuss/action on Birchwood PD TIME System Policy, Resolution #188-17.
- Discuss/action on Village of Birchwood 2018 staff pay increase, Resolution #189-17.
- Discuss/action on signing contract for 2018 for David Sovocool, Assessor.
- Discuss/action on operators permit for Sandra (Lollie) Yonaites and Lisa Bratvold.
- Discuss/action on projects to add to 2018 funding lists through MSA.
- Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to 19.85(1)(c) and 19.85(1)(b) WI statues which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data.
- Motion to reconvene in open session to discuss issues and take action on matters discussed in closed session.
Input Item(s)
Committee Meetings Reports (if not addressed above)
- Park Committee report
- Street Committee
Approval of New Bills, Payroll, and acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report.
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact the Village Hall with comments, questions, and/or concerns and we will be happy to help.