10/8/2019 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes (Approved)
Monthly Board of Trustee Meeting
October 8th, 2019 6:00 pm
101 N Main St, Birchwood, WI 54817
Roll Call: Seffinga, Depoister, Small, Hurckman, Brunclik, Strand, and Beffa (Present). Vangilder (Absent).
Department Reports:
Police Report: Wrapped up traffic grant and radio program grant. School started sept and has been active there, mostly preventative.
Maintenance: Cutting ditches and mowing. Doolittle shut down; trailers out, docks are out, picnic tables put away, water heaters drained/off, and just need to now winterize the bathrooms. Brush cut. New tires on loader. Next few weeks oil change and greased on loader to ready for winter. All is going good. Working with Chuck on the Bluegill park; what’s not working properly for a while, putting in Two new lights. Tucker’s Well List; report shows what’s worked on, what’s closed, and is keeping up with that stuff. Clerk will be sending out another letter; mark option of plan to permit or abandoned to better communicate. Clerk called and left voice messages for those residents. “Non-response” on the list are the ones who have not called back.
Public Comment:
Agenda #4 Kenway – Liquid only? How long will they do this? How are we regulating. Smell when sitting on porch and has been watching them fill out slip. (Bob Luis, Resident on Euclid) Supposed to fill out paperwork. (Depoister) States they have paperwork, DNR required. Starting to slow down, Holding tank only. (Strand)
Feels posting of agenda did not meet 24 hours state requirements. Kenway agreement – was supposed to be a test for a while; existing agreement is less than residents’ cost and more use. If continue, then dispose properly and not an opening in the street. Suggests postponing agreement to provide facility to properly dump. Bid utility for rates. Look at how much collected and dumped, impact to system, contemplate the village. #5 Peterson Services – Suggest obtaining documentation that verifies the road is owned by village; if so, to upgrade and maintain. Conditional Use for Timber Bay – Feels it’s not appropriate for that use. Received letter from Trinity Lutheran about their dire financial situation, all entities around here are in need, and the only one who seems to be flushed for money is BFCESD. Digging deeper whole and don’t see how this will benefit us. Never review financial. Nice to know if we have handle on finances are. (Linda Zillmer)
Engineering funds of SHE – Handout of funded calendar for municipals as a tool. 3 Full time funding experts aka Grant writers. Helps with how to pay for problems we have or new problem. Engineering firm primary but also helps with how to pay for project, is important. Call him directly. Email to clerk. (Mike VanGilder-SHE employee)
New Business:
1.) Motion by Hurckman, seconded by Seffinga to table agenda item 6, Conditional Use Application for Timber Bay; More information and site plan are needed before approval. Carried 5-0.
2.) Motion Seffinga, seconded Hurckman to approve September 7th, 2019 Board of Trustee Meeting. Carried 5-0
3.) Motion by Small, seconded by Seffinga to approve Operator License for Hill and Cherney. Carried 5-0.
4.) Discussion of Kenway holding agreement. Guys have been checking and no problems reported at the plant. Re-pipe it so goes through street, suggested by Strand as there is a screen in there, Pumped by lift station 1. Hurckman states she doesn’t find an odor and trucks leaves plenty of room to get around. Depoister suggest looking at the cost to be fair to the village residence and Ken-way before signing. Source of revenue for village commented by Strand. Depoister tabled the contract to November Board of Trustee Meeting.
5.) Discussion on proposed $4000 agreement for Peterson to build up and put in gravel road. Depoister verified Village’s purchase contract and will check with Village Attorney on plowing the road. Motion by Hurckman approve Peterson take care of 30ft wide easement road, Depoister second. Carried 5-0.
6.) Conditional Use Application for Timber Bay tabled to November Board of Trustee Meeting.
To be continued…
Committee Reports:
- ) BFCESD still working on promissory notes. Collect money for matching grant. Bid package being prepared so don’t lose state approval.
b.) Streets committee – will be setup looking at road by industrial park-few weeks.
c.) Parks meeting- no minutes typed up as it was informal. Work on contract over winter for seasonal campers. Ron to contact ProFence and IV of ballpark need to be done yet. Sand from big unit – Hurckman, fill/pad is still there. Only thing still sitting there is a tank and another wastewater still needs to be removed from site 33. Budget meeting to discuss rates. Ball park – who to maintain, Bob Hayes and Tucker get kids to pick leaves etc.
d.) No ordinance committee but will have Wed Oct 23rd at 4:30.
Motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga to approve new bills, payroll, and acceptance of Treasurer’s Report.
Correspondence – None
New Business – Continued:
7.) Motion by Hurckman, second by Seffinga to convene in closed session pursuant to 19.85(1)(c) and 19.85(1)(b) WI statues which, if discussed publicly, would likely have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person(s) referred to in such data.
8.) Motion by Small, second by VanGilder to reconvene in open session.
Adjourn – Made by Depoister
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