10/23/2019 Ordinance Committee Meeting Minutes – Approved
Ordinance Committee Meeting
Roll Call – Committee members
Trustee Nancy Seffinga Trustee Virginia Hurckman President John Depoister
The Ordinance Committee of the Birchwood Village Board will hold a meeting on
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 at 5:00 pm.
Birchwood Village Hall – 101 N. Main
Public Input:
Linda Zillmer – Winter months, following along with Washburn County with opening County D consider before opening Hinman.
- Call Meeting to Order – Hurckman
- Discussion on Article VIII. – All-terrain vehicles and off-road motor vehicle operation. Signatures received back from Hinman Dr were majority Yes. Suggests 1 year transition period (Hurckman). All signage is done before opening and not expected before snow fall. Board meeting on November 19th is only for Hinman and County Road D. For all streets in town to open to ATV/UTV access there would need to be additional signs and concern of added cost (Depoister). Washburn County council ruling; we are only reliable if we do something such as a hole we made and didn’t barricade it off. The village would not held liable just like if there were an automobile accident (Depoister). Present to Washburn County to open County D to Tuscobia Trail, nothing beyond that. It’s up to the County from there to open the rest of County Road D (Hurckman). Speed limit will need to change in ordinance, ATV speed limit be the same as traffic to keep same speed for safer roads (Depoister). Will present to the Village Board that Hinman be open after signs posted on County Road D from Hinman to Tuscobia Trail. All necessary changes will be made before that. Designated routes will be after board has approved (Hurckman). Signage on Highway D to Hinman only, park access, dead-end, and Doolittle signage. A substantial fine be set by village. Use of budget for cost of signs. The rest of the streets to be discussed later (Depoister). Board to decide opening Hinman, parking, and walking (Hurckman). One-year trial to determine how people will react; yard trash, beer, and cigarette butts. Can stop if problem. (Depoister) No designated area for ATV parking, property owners are the ATV drivers. Guest unload and take trailer somewhere else (Hurckman).
- Discussions on Chapter 4 – Animals. Current ordinance is 4 pets in the family. Some have more than 4 and/or don’t register their pets at all. Kennel permits not necessary as we don’t have them around here. Changes in how many in resident will have to be licensed; fine if not register. Required leash or fenced. Village police to go to resident if found lose and fined for that animal. Fees? How handled? Current unneutered charge is $15 per dog and $10 for neutered or spayed dogs annually. $5 goes to county and $5 goes to village (Hurckman). Senior citizen – register dogs, board makes decision, Hurckman feels everyone is charged. No fee or license for cats, most kept in the house. To purchase tags, cheapest plain aluminum, minimum order of 100 qty, is $61.95; still have a pile left at the end of the year not used. Suggests raising to $25 un-spayed/unneutered, $20 for spayed/neutered, and no kennel licenses. Violation of $50 fine plus registration and late fee for spayed/neutered dogs. Unregister and not vaccinated $75 fine plus registration, late fee, and must be complete within 5-10 days. Notice be sent out with tax bills. Renewal date change to May 1st rather than April 1st, beginning of nice weather and dogs wanting to get out. Currently when village police charges for violation $125 goes to Washburn County and can’t increase. Lot more paperwork, go to court then more work. Suggestes increasing late fee to $25.
- Discussion on article IX. – Secondhand article dealers. Suggests adapting Rice Lake’s Garage Sale ordinance, 2 garage sales per year. Residents that buy from store closings and then sell are not allowed; only personal property of used or secondhand items. Publish in paper, unsure. Garage sale hours 7am-6pm, no more than 2 in a calendar year, no more than 3 consecutive days, any sale running on non-consecutive days will be considered 2 sales. All remaining personal property be return inside permanent structures, promptly after close of sale. Adapt obstructing of streets, sidewalks, and other violations. Allowed 3 signs, 2ft by 2ft, on their own posts, if there is obstruction of view of traffic the police can then remove it. Neighbors can combine sale. Signs can be posted no more than 48 hours before sale. No resident can conduct more than 2 sales.
- Future Agenda Items-None this year
- Adjourn
NOTICE: It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above-stated meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any government body at the above-stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice.
This is a public meeting and will be recorded.
Please Note that: The Birchwood Village Hall is handicap accessible. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals. Please call the Clerk’s office to make arrangements.
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